Revelation: Chapter 1


The book of Revelation is an exciting and dynamic book. As you read through its pages a tremendous amount of information is presented. It is best to have a firm foundation of the whole Bible to more fully comprehend the information in this book. Additional material in this website attempts to provide the reader with some basic understanding to equip that person to better grasp all that is being presented. Other books of the Bible that have been examined and are presented in this site are the books of Daniel, selected chapters in Ezekiel, and the Olivet Discourse as recorded by Mark and Matthew, and related passages in Luke. The 15th chapter of 1Corinthians, and 1st and 2nd Thessalonians are also presented. These books and their associated timelines can be found and navigated by pressing the appropriate subject, such as scripture, on the left side of the screen, or above, if using a small dispay. The reader can also access further information on the structure of Revelation by accessing the link: Basic structure of Revelation.

The Apostle John's visual viewpoint changes frequently as he observes and chronicles all that he is shown and what he hears. It may be helpful to know the vantage point that John has as he records everything he experiences in this book. There is a section on this website that has a graphical representation of John's reference point of observation, which is found by clicking on this link, chronology of Revelation. In Revelation 1, John is viewing the events of this chapter from the perspective of earth, and is receiving and writing the letters from Christ to the seven churches.

At the very beginning of this book, John records that he had been exiled to the isle of Patmos because of the word of God, and for the testimony of Jesus Christ, Revelation 1:9. It was on the Lord's Day (Sunday) that John was worshiping, when suddenly he heard a sound, instructing John to record all that he saw. Turning he saw the Lord, Revelation 1:10-11.

This chapter is the first of three sections that was revealed to John in Revelation 1:19. Each section represents a different and sequential time period. The first are those things that "were", which was the Lord's first earthly ministry that ended with His death, burial, and resurrection, 1Corinthians 15:1-4, for which John was suffering because of his firm belief in the word of God and testimony of Jesus Christ, Revelation 1:9. John was then told to write the things that "are", which represents the Jewish churches that John was an apostle for, Galatians 2:7-9, and looking forward, the revived Jewish churches that would go through the tribulation. These later churches would be formed immediately after the snatching away (rapture) of the New Testament churches, which were those led by the little flock, Luke 12:32, and the Body-of-Christ, 1Corinthians 12:12-27, Romans 12:5. Finally, he was told to write those things that "shall be", which represents all those things that will follow the dispensation of grace, which ends with the snatching away (rapture) of the New Testament churches.

As an important aside, though the book of Revelation is a prophetic book written to prepare Israel for the tribulation they will be living through, Daniel 9:24, 27 (see the book of Daniel chapter 9 and the associated timelines on Daniel chapter 9 for more information), this book is also for the Body-of-Christ. Though the epistles written by Paul, from Romans through Philemon, were written directly to the Body-of-Christ, all other portions of scripture are written for our learning that through patience and comfort of the scriptures we might have hope, Romans 15:4. Paul also showed how the actions of Israel in the past led to God's judgments, 1Corinthians 10:1-5, serve as examples to the intent that we should not lust after evil things, as they did, 1Corinthians 10:6. Similarly, the letters to the seven churches in the book of Revelation are also for our learning, understanding and discernment with respect to our relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. From the book of Revelation, we can be filled with the knowledge of God's will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding, that we would walk worthy of the Lord, being pleasing to Him, being fruitful in every good work, and increasing in the knowledge of God, Colossians 1:9-10.

Revelation 1:1-20, Revelation 2:1-29 and Revelation 3:1-22 form a group of chapters that relate to the Lord's relationship with the Jewish churches that will be reestablished after the snatching away, (rapture) of the New Testament church consisting of the Jewish church led by the little flock, Luke 12:32, and the Body-of-Christ, under the apostleship of Paul. The snatching away, (rapture) is a future event at the time of this writing, but is an imminent event. The information in this chapter describes characteristics and activities of the glorified Lord as he ministers among His seven churches. Here, John observes the Lord in His glory and in His priestly clothing, Hebrews 7:11-28. This chapter concludes with the dictation to John of letters from the Lord to each of the seven churches.


Verses Topic
1-3 The revelation of Jesus Christ
4-8 The letter to the seven churches
9-11 The initial setting
12-16 Description of the Lord in His glory
17-18 John's response
19 John's commission
20 Interpretation of the symbols

In Revelation 1:1-3, is the beginning of the apocalypse - the unveiling of the Lord. Several persons are introduced to make known to His servants what events are imminent and will happen suddenly with rapid succession when they occur. The persons revealed in the first verse are and will be referred to several times in this book:

  • The Father - The Father gave the revelation to Jesus Christ, Matthew 24:36
  • Jesus Christ - He made this revelation known to His servants by sending His angel
  • The angel - He was sent to John to make known to him the Revelation
  • John - He is the one who testified to all that he saw, which is the word of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ, 1John 1:1-4

Revelation 1:1 shows that the origin of this book came from God the Father. The purpose of this revelation is that it was to be shown, by the hands of Jesus Christ, those things that must shortly come to pass. To prove the origin of this Revelation came from God, the angel was the sign for Israel to believe in what John wrote to them. This is similar to when God gave Moses signa to the people of Israel to prove that God had sent Moses to free them from their slavery under the Egyptians, Exodus 4:1-9. Again, the Lord gave the revelation to an angel as the sign to Israel. Similarly, the angel Gabriel passed on to Daniel, messages from God, Daniel 9:21-23, and to Mary, Luke 1:26-31.

What form did this revelation from God have; it was not as a vision that was given to the prophets in the Old Testament, such as to Abram, Genesis 15:1, to Israel, Genesis 46:2, and Ezekiel, Ezekiel 1:1. This revelation was different in that it was a series of visions, with a series of viewpoints, for one man John, to write down and pass on the Jewish churches, both in John’s day and in the future after the snatching away of the Body-of-Christ. This revelation from God is the culmination of the His Word from the beginning, for it is all about the Lord Jesus Christ, from His resurrection to eternity future.

The content of the revelation consisted of visions that a first century man could completely describe all that he saw, heard, whether he understood all its meaning or not. Later in this chapter the Lord commissioned John to write all that he saw, Revelation 1:11, 19. What John wrote was for the 21st Century people, who could understand how all that was revealed could be manifest, the countries involved in all these future events, and connect all of the technologies, societal migrations toward apostasy against God’s Word and the rejection of His ways, to what is revealed. Only the Father knows the time of the kingdom, Jesus told his apostles, Matthew 24:32-36.

The persons introduced in this first verse, make known the timing of these future events, which will happen suddenly in rapid succession. Again, this verse is one of many that indicate this book was to prepare the believers of Israel for the tribulation they would go through. This was not written directly for the Body-of-Christ. Revelation is relevant and very important to the Body-of-Christ. It explains God’s purposes and plans for Israel, but when these events come to pass, the Body-of-Christ will have been snatched up to be with the Lord for evermore, 1Thessalonians 4:13-18. The angel was sent to John to make known the revelation, and to be a sign, which the Jews look for, 1Corinthians 1:22, whereas the Body-of-Christ preach Christ crucified, 1Corinthians 1:23-25, and walk after the Spirit, Romans 8:1-2.

When John wrote “which must shortly come to pass,” this phrase does not mean immediacy at the time the book was delivered to the intended audience. Rather, it shows that the events within the book will unfold quickly, with speed, at the time God foreordained these events to impact the world and His creation. This is similar to a rocket on a launch pad. It sits there ready to go, with all the preparatory work being done to support the actual launch. But rocket doesn't go anywhere until someone presses the “launch” button. Afterward, a lot of events occur that force the rocket to leave its launch pad, heading to fulfil its intended purpose. The book of Revelation starts with the word 'shortly’ and ends with the same word, Revelation 22:6, affirming the rapid unfolding of the events in this book.

Revelation 1:2 identifies the one who put into print, all that he saw and heard. John notes several things concerning his relationship with Christ Jesus. First, John bore record of the Word of God, in that he wrote three epistles, 1, 2, and 3, that are in the Bible. In John’s first epistle, 1John 1:1-4, he wrote:

  • How he and the other apostles heard, saw, were able to look upon the Christ, touch and handle the Word of life

In the gospel he wrote, he noted that he and the other apostles saw the Lord’s resurrection, ascension, and reported it to us; so, we would have eternal life, John 6:69. He recorded the testimony of Jesus Christ in the gospel according to John. In that gospel, John delivered to all mankind an account of the deity of Jesus Christ. In closing the gospel, he wrote that there was much more that Jesus did, but that there were not enough resources available to publish all that should be written, John 21:25. He reported all that he saw as he wrote Revelation as he was commissioned by the God.

In Revelation 1:3, John revealed the first of seven beatitudes in the book of Revelation. This is the first of many things in this book that either occur seven times, or are composed of seven elements. The importance of seven is that it has the unique attribute of indicating the completion of a thing. The seven beatitudes are for believers, Jews and Gentiles, living through the tribulation, showing their rewards for their patience, faith, and witness of Christ Jesus. Three parts of the blessing promised to the reader of this book:

  • Blessed is the one who reads this prophecy (the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy, Revelation 19:10)
    • Revelation 1:3 shows that this is a prophetic book for Israel
  • Blessed are those who hear the words of this prophecy
    • Faith comes by hearing, Romans 10:17
  • Blessed are those who keep the things written in this book
    • John notes that the time is at hand. John still expects the Lord to return in his lifetime

These are the first of seven blessings that appear through the book of Revelation. It is important to note the role that numbers play in this book. The number seven is a prominent number throughout this book. In general, the following list may be of help in understanding the numbers used in the book of Revelation. These are listed in a general sense; where the context the number is used in, brings to focus the spiritual meaning of the number. For more information see the book written by E.W Bullinger, "Number in Scripture."

  1. Unity
  2. Division
  3. Trinity, divine perfection
  4. Earth, creation
  5. Grace
  6. Man
  7. Completion, spiritual perfection
  8. New beginning, resurrection or regeneration
  9. The end, or conclusion of a matter
  10. Perfection of divine order
  11. Imperfection
  12. Perfection of government

Another interesting aspect of the seven blessings is how they are grouped with the book of Revelation. The first blessing is related to John seeing the glorified Christ. The second and third blessings are associated with the last half of the tribulation, or the great tribulation. More specifically, the second blessing occurs at the beginning of the great tribulation, whereas the third occurs after the sixth bowl judgment is poured out upon the earth. The fourth blessing is associated with the marriage of the Lamb in heaven. The fifth blessing is during the millennial reign of Christ Jesus on earth. The last two blessings are given at the end of the book, but are cautionary to all people; first to those who are believers, to encourage them to be obedient to the words of the prophecy in the book. Second, it is for all people, to encourage them to become believers in the Lord Jesus Christ and to follow all of His ways. The mention and content of the seven blessings in this book are shown in the following table and will be repeated each time a blessing is given, and then that blessing will be highlighted, as below:

Verse blessing
1 Revelation 1:3 Blessed are those who read, hear, and do what is written in this prophecy
2 Revelation 14:13 Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on
3 Revelation 16:15 Blessed is he who stays awake and keeps his clothes on him
4 Revelation 19:9 Blessed are those who are invited to the wedding supper of the Lamb
5 Revelation 20:6 Blessed and holy are those who have part in the first resurrection
6 Revelation 22:7 Blessed is he who keeps the words of the prophecy in this book
7 Revelation 22:7 Blessed are those who wash their robes that they may have the right to the tree of life and go through the gates into the city

Which church: The Jewish church led by Peter and the 11 apostles

In the dispensation of law, during the Lord's earthly ministry, He promised the apostles (the little flock, Luke 12:32) the kingdom, and that they would rule over the nation of Israel, Matthew 19:28. These believers in Christ Jesus were trained by Jesus to spread the kingdom gospel, Matthew 4:12-17, Mark 1:15, Mark 16:15-20, and Luke 4:43-44. After the Lord's ascension, they did continue the kingdom message, expecting that the Lord would return soon and establish His kingdom on earth, Acts 3:17-24. Synagogues already existed at the time of the 12 apostles, as listed in Revelation 1:11, and some of those were visited by Paul, the apostle to the Gentiles, Romans 11:13. These churches, or synagogues, consisted of Jewish believers who looked forward in time for the coming kingdom with their Messiah (Christ Jesus) sitting on the throne of David, Acts 1:6 (the Body-of-Christ looks up for the blessed hope, which could happen at any time, Titus 2:13). The Apostle John would have ministered to these Jewish churches, Galatians 2:9, particularly after the fall of Israel and its diminishing, Romans 11:11-12 (KJV).

The following timeline illustrates the simplified view of the coming kingdom for Jewish believers. Not until the first church council in Jerusalem, and the response James gave concerning believing Gentiles, did they ever consider that the Lord would be grafted into the blessed olive tree to enjoy the blessings of the root and to grow in righteousness in Christ as a result, Romans 11:11-17. Before the Jerusalem council, the believing Jews had no idea that the Lord would do a work with the Gentiles.

Which church: The Body-of-Christ led by Paul

Unlike the little flock, Luke 12:32, who were zealous for the law, Acts 21:20, the Lord instituted the dispensation of grace through the Apostle Paul as its steward, 1Corinthians 4:1-4, Ephesians 3:2-12. In this dispensation, salvation is by the grace of God through faith alone, Ephesians 2:8-9, being justified by faith through our Lord Jesus Christ, Romans 5:1-2. After Israel fell, the Jewish church spread out, away from Jerusalem because of Saul’s persecution, preaching to Jews only, Acts 11:19Acts 8:1 and Acts 9:1-2. The apostles ministered to the circumcision (Jews) and continued to minister in the synagogues throughout the world preaching the kingdom gospel until they all faded away, Galatians 2:7-9, Romans 11:11-12 (KJV). At the end of the dispensation of grace, these churches will be reconstituted and preach the kingdom of heaven, Matthew 3:2.

The start of the dispensation of grace, is when the Body-of-Christ began, and when believing Jews and Gentiles became one in Christ, 1Corinthians 12:13. Before the Lord began the Body-of-Christ, where He made Paul chief (or first) , 1Timothy 1:11-16, the Lord made a distinction between Israel and all other nations, Acts 10:19-20, 28, Leviticus 20:24. But now, the division between the two people groups has been broken down in the dispensation of Grace, Ephesians 2:14. Paul spoke about who real Israelites were, writing that not all who were born as Israelis by the flesh, were true believing Israelites, Romans 9:6. He ended that passage to indicate why Israel, who had followed after the law of righteousness, did not attain the law of righteousness. It was because they sought it not by faith, but by the works of the law, Acts 9:30-33. After Paul concluded his first missionary journey with Barnabas, Peter witnessed at the first Jerusalem council, that they (Jews) would be saved like the Gentiles, Acts 15:11.

Therefore, the Body-of-Christ emerged after Saul (who later became known as Paul, Acts 13:9) became a believer in Christ Jesus, Acts 9:4-20, and as Paul began to build the Gentile churches. Paul was the first, or chief, among all who entered into the Body-of-Christ, 1Timothly 1:15-16. Paul served as a pattern for others to follow, who should believe on Christ Jesus to life everlasting, to whom Paul gave all the glory too, 1Timothy 1:16-17.

However, even as the dispensation of Grace began, the law still had a strong tug on Jewish hearts, Galatians 2:11-16. And speaking from the culture of the Mosaic law, Peter also witnessed that some things written by Paul were difficult for the believing Jews to understand, but he affirmed Paul’s writings as equivalent to all other scripture, 2Peter 3:15-16. Now, in the dispensation of Grace, there is no difference between Jew and Gentile, Romans 3:19-22. This dispensation will continue until the Lord comes in the clouds to resurrect believers in Christ, who have died before His arrival in the clouds, 1Thessalonians 4:13-18. immediately afterwards, He will snatch away those who are still alive and believe in Christ, 1Corinthians 15:51-58. So, the church, beginning from the resurrection of Christ Jesus until the snatching away (rapture), consists of the little flock, Luke 12:32, and the Body-of-Christ. Both will be taken by the Lord when He returns in the clouds. The following chart illustrates the distinctions of the New Testament church described in the previous paragraphs above. Right after the snatching away, the tribulation churches will begin to form.

Which church: The tribulation churches

In Revelation 1:4, why does God address churches in Asia (now Turkey) and not Jerusalem? The religious leaders of Israel in Jerusalem had already rejected the message of the Holy Spirit three times. The first time, Peter and John, were arrested and appeared before the religious leaders for preaching Christ Jesus in the temple. Peter and John were filled with the Holy Spirit, Acts 4:8, and spoke boldly to them. Despite the sign of the lame man’s miraculous healing, and the words of the Holy Spirit through Peter and John, the religious leaders rejected the message and warned the two apostles not to preach the name of Jesus, Acts 4:1-22.

The second time, all 12 apostles were arrested and eventually appeared before the religious leaders again. This time, the Lord sent an angel to release the twelve from prison and told them to return to the temple and keep preaching Jesus. This time, the religious were set to kill them all for preaching Jesus, but the Lord delivered them again. Before their release, the twelve were beaten, and told not to preach the name of Jesus, which they did not obey, Acts 5:15-42.

Finally, Stephen was arrested, and again he was filled with the Holy Spirit when he was called out before the religious leaders of Israel in Jerusalem, Acts 6:11-15, and Acts 7:1-58. As with the previous two occasions, the religious leaders were faced with the condemnation of the Holy Spirit, and rejected it, only this time they martyred Stephen by stoning him, which led to the fall of Israel, Romans 11:11-12. With the fall of Israel, salvation was offered to the Gentiles.

Soon afterward, the Holy Spirit led Paul in his ministry to deliver the mystery program to the Gentiles, Ephesians 3:1-11, and establish the Gentile church in Ephesus. During that time the Lord greatly used Paul to expand the knowledge of God throughout that whole region in the Near East, Acts 19:10-11. The gospel went where the people were.

God may be repeating the pattern seen with Paul, to reach out to a future Near East to these new Jewish believers, Ecclesiastes 3:15. John’s greeting is the same as Paul used in his epistles, starting with grace then peace, Romans 1:7, Ephesians 1:2. God’s grace has appeared to all men and brings salvation, Titus 2:11. Now, being justified by faith, we have peace with God through Christ, Romans 5:1 because of the redemptive work of Christ, we are complete in Him, Colossians 2:10.

John shows the eternal nature of God the Father, who always was in the past, now, and in the future, and who saved us by His grace, Ephesians 2:8-9. He also reveals that the greeting comes from the Holy Spirit, who is characterized as the seven Spirits before the throne, Isaiah 11:1-2, Proverbs 2:1-8, John 16:13-15, Zechariah 4:2-10.

Isaiah listed the seven spirits as:

  • Spirit of the Lord
  • Spirit of wisdom
  • Spirit of understanding
  • Spirit of council
  • Spirit of might
  • Spirit of knowledge
  • Spirit of the fear of the Lord

In Revelation 1:4, John addresses the seven churches in Asia, seen in the brown rectangular bar in the above chart. This box indicates the beginning of the tribulation churches, lasting through the tribulation. However, during the last half of the tribulation, or the great tribulation, the persecution on them by the Antichrist, they will likely go underground, as is the case in other parts of the today. There are many underground churches in China, Russia, and Muslim countries to escape the cruel treatment they suffer and many types of persecution. It is at this time that the Lord uses angels to sound out the everlasting gospel, Revelation 14:6-7.

Although there were many other churches in existence within the same region in the days of the Roman empire, the Lord's letters to these churches, reveal Himself to all of the churches during John's day as well as those that will emerge after the snatching away (rapture) of the Body-of-Christ. These letters are applicable to all churches throughout the present church age, until the Lord raptures the church to Himself. The Lord's letters are written in a format that is consistently applied to all seven churches. There are few exceptions to the five points addressed to each church. The purpose of these letters is to show how the Lord relates Himself to a church with a specific set of characteristics. He provides His judgment, commendation, condemnation, and His encouragement to those who have an ear to hear. It is a meaningful exercise to study and consider the characteristics of the seven churches with the content of the letter each received from the Lord, and evaluate how churches today, local and denominational, compare in light of the Lord's judgments. As one associates a congregation today to one of the seven churches, the words of commendation, condemnation, and words of correction and encouragement will come to life. John is sharing to the entire church body through time until the Lord's return at the end of the tribulation, the word and things he witnessed. It is not an overstatement to say that the information that was addressed to the seven churches is indeed applicable to the churches today.

John shows the greeting is from God the Father, the same that Paul used in his epistles, starting with grace then peace, Romans 1:7. Paul wrote that God’s grace has appeared to all men and brings salvation, Titus 2:11, and that after being justified by faith, we have peace with God through the Lord Jesus Christ, Romans 5:1. Because of the redemptive work of Christ, believers in Christ Jesus are complete in Him, Colossians 2:10. John shows the eternal nature of God the Father, being saved by His grace, who was, who is, and who is to come, Revelation 1:4. John also reveals that the greeting comes from the Holy Spirit, who is characterized as the seven spirits before the throne, Isaiah 11:1-2, Proverbs 2:1-8, John 16:13-15, Zechariah 4:2-10. In these opening passages in this book, John is also acknowledging the Trinity. He shows that the salutation of this book is coming from:

  • The Father who is the one referenced as the one who is, was, and is to come, Exodus 3:14-15
  • The Holy Spirit, is characterized as the seven spirits before the throne, Isaiah 11:1-2, John 16:13-15, Zechariah 4:2, 6, 8-10
  • Jesus Christ who is faithful to all that the Father asked of Him, and who is the first of the resurrection, and who is the King of kings, Revelation 19:11-16

The greeting to the seven churches is also from Jesus Christ; showing the trinity is greeting the churches, Revelation 1:5-6. The characteristics John observed of Jesus Christ are:

  • The faithful witness, John 5:30-37, 10:17-18
  • The first born from the dead, Matthew 27:50-53, Psalm 2:7
  • The ruler of the kings of the earth, Psalm 2:6-12, Daniel 7:13-14
  • We are made blameless by the blood of Jesus Christ, Hebrews 9:11-14

John tells the Jewish churches of their place as kings and priests of God in the coming kingdom when the Lord sits on the throne of David, 1Peter 2:4-5, 9-10, Daniel 7:22, 26-27, Amos 9:11-12, Acts 15:16-18, Matthew 19:28. In contrast, the Body-of-Christ was never given the role of priest and king, only that they would reign with Jesus Christ, 2Timothy 2:12. The citizenship for the Body-of-Christ is in heavenly places, Philippians 3:20, as joint-heirs with Christ, Romans 8:17. John gives praise to Jesus Christ as he closes this section with: "To Him will be the glory and dominion of His Kingdom forever, Amen," Revelation 1:6, 4:9-11 Isaiah 9:7, Luke 1:31-33.

After the introduction to the letter to the Jewish churches in Asia, Revelation 1:1-4, John indicated that the book was from Jesus Christ, Revelation 1:5, and what He had done for them in their positional capacity with the Lord, being kings and priests unto God, Revelation 1:6. In Revelation 1:7, John by-passes all the judgments during the seven years of tribulation, to when the Lord returns to earth, Revelation 19:11-21. This was done to show these seven churches, who will be going through the tribulation, that the Lord will establish His kingdom in the end. In just these few words, John shows the world view of the Lord’s future arrival in the clouds. This will be the second advent of Christ when He returns as King over all the earth, sitting on the throne of David, Daniel 7:13, Mark 13:23-26, Revelation 19. At that time, every eye shall see His appearing. This is a supernatural, worldwide event and every one alive on all parts of the globe will know that the Lord Jesus Christ has returned to His earth, Luke 17:22-24. This will not rely on any existing technology in that time. Those who pierced Him are the children of Israel, and they too will see His return and ask the Lord how He received His wounds, Zechariah 12:10-11. Compare this to when the Lord was resurrected, and only believers saw Him, 1Corinthians 15:5-8, and when he ascended to sit at the right hand of the Father, Acts 1:9-14, Psalm 110:1-2. However, at the end of the tribulation, every living person around the world will mourn because of him, Revelation 6:15-17, Psalm 2:10-12. This event of Christ Jesus returning in the clouds is not to be confused with the snatching away (rapture) of the church, where the Body-of-Christ waits for His glorious appearing to be joined with Christ Jesus in the air, Titus 2:12-13, 1Thessalonians 4:15-17, 1John 3:1-3. Instead, this moment follows the seven years of tribulation, and the whole world’s population will witness the visible, physical, literal, earthly return of the Lord Jesus Christ as He sets His feet on the Mount of Olives, Zechariah 14:4. It is then that those are of the house of Israel, whose ancestors pierced the Lord Jesus Christ, will have their relationship with the Lord renewed; "they will morn when they look on Him who they pierced and they will morn greatly," Zechariah 12:10-11. All peoples will likewise mourn because of Him, Revelation 6:15-17.

In Revelation 1:8, the Lord describes Himself with three superlative statements. First, the Lord identifies Himself as the Alpha and Omega (omniscient). Christ Jesus defines the term Himself as the beginning and the ending. Of what? Of all the prophecies, promises, and covenants given to Israel, and world, Revelation 19:10. Examine Genesis 1:1, when God created heaven and earth, when all matter, energy, space and time began. Everything we know, understand or can observe, seen or unseen, powers and principalities, begins with God, Colossians 1:16. It is Jesus Christ who presently sits at the right hand of the God the Father, the author and finisher of our faith, Hebrews 12:2. He is the only one worthy of all honor, praise and glory, Revelation 5:9-14. He will receive dominion over the world and it will be judged by Him, John 5:22, Revelation 20:11, Daniel 7:13-14, Psalm 2:6-12. Second, the Lord equates Himself with God the Father, saying also that He is, was, and is to come, Revelation 1:4, Isaiah 9:6-7 (omnipresence). Third, the Lord pronounces His title, Almighty, first revealed to Abram, Genesis 17:1, and then repeated to Moses, Exodus 6:3, (omnipotent).

In Revelation 1:9, John identifies himself in three distinct ways being in Jesus and being associated with the Christians at the seven churches to whom he was instructed to send his writings to:

  • Suffering, 1Peter 1:3-7
  • His kingdom, Matthew 25:1-46
  • Patient endurance, Revelation 2:2-3 (the church of Ephesus), Revelation 2:9-10 (the church of Smyrna), and Revelation 3:10 (the church of Philadelphia)

In Revelation 1:9, John is looking for the establishment of the kingdom of heaven and in the patience of Jesus Christ, expecting everything to begin soon. Earlier, in another epistle, John had warned everyone that had the hope of the soon appearance of Christ, that we are to purify ourselves as Christ is pure, 1John 3:1-3. When Jesus was on the Mount of Olives, He spoke of the tribulation to come, saying that His followers would be hated of all men for His name’s sake, but He will come and setup His kingdom, Matthew 24:4-31. Looking forward to that time, John wrote the letters of Christ to His seven churches, who will be entering into the tribulation. The books of the Bible, from 1 Peter through the end of the Revelation, were written for the Jews, as they anticipate the Lord’s return in fulfillment of all the prophecies since the world began, Acts 3:19-21, Matthew 3:1-2 (this is not part of the mystery program). Nevertheless, this is all part of scripture, God breathed and it is all profitable … that the man of God may be thoroughly furnished unto all good works, 2Timothy 3:16-17). God’s prophetic plan for Israel, includes the believing Jews going through the tribulation, Daniel 9:24, 25-27.

No explanation is given how, why, or how long John was on the island of Patmos. One day, while on the island in the Spirit on the “Lord’s Day” (on Sunday), John was startled to hear a great voice behind him, like a sound of a trumpet. This is one of the sounds the Body-of-Christ will hear when the Lord snatches away (rapture) those still alive when He comes in the clouds for His church, 1Thessalonians 4:13-18. The Israelites experienced hearing a loud trumpet in their history, when God came in a cloud over Mount Sinai, Exodus 19:16. In these verses, the Lord repeats that He is Alpha and Omega, Revelation 1:8. When the Lord repeats something, it does well to notice and see why. This phrase is repeated four times in Revelation, twice in Revelation 1:8, 11, and twice in Revelation 22:6, 13

  • There is no one before Christ Jesus, and no one follows Him
  • In every sense of the word, Christ is the first and the last of all things

In Revelation 1:10-11, the Lord addresses John directly and commissions John to write a book, chronicling everything he sees. After he completes the book, John is to send it to the seven churches: Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamos, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia and Laodicea. Because of God’s eternal presence in the past, present, and future, and His foreknowledge, Romans 8:29, what John sees and writes, is firsthand knowledge. John actually views a representation of modern day events. John lived in the first century and had no idea of modern technology, warfare, vast maritime commerce, ventures into space, or advancements in worldwide communication and information storage capabilities. John is to describe all that he sees and hears in very descriptive and colorful words. The fact that what John has written conveys a comprehensive set of scenes that in today’s parlance, is completely possible, and fits well with today’s technologies and communication devices. Even back in WWII, people began to see the relevance of the book of Revelation, but they could still not imagine how it would all come about. Today, it is no longer a question of how these things in Revelation will occur, but when; when will God set in motion all aspects and judgments during the tribulation. John is not injecting his commentary in his report, but he is devoting all of his effort to fulfill the commission the Lord gave to him. God foreknew all these things before the creation of the world, including His end time judgment of the world. The Lord uses His apostle, whom He trained for three years during His first advent, to deliver this message to modern man, in a way that they could easily understand. Even other prophecies of Daniel 10-12 were sealed until the time of the end, but they communicate accurately to the world today, easily understood events that mirror current world events. The following table illustrates John’s faithful execution of his commission.

John’s Actions # of Times Repeated in Revelation, KJV
”I saw” 33
”I looked and behold” 4
”I heard” 22
”I looked” 5
  • Description of the Lord in His glory
  • Outline
  • Top

In Revelation 1:12-13, John turned to the sound and saw seven lampstands with the Son of Man among them, Daniel 3:25-26, 7:13. In the temple in the Old Testament, only the menorah, or candlestick, gave light inside the holy place, Exodus 25:31-37. The candlestick holder was a solid piece of gold, that was beaten out to make the lampstand. Every piece of temple furniture was significant in that they represented Christ Jesus. This passage describes the heavenly scene, with individual candlesticks. Each candle represents the churches, which are not unified yet, as the Lord is not sitting on the throne of David at that time. As with the persecution in the days of Saul, Jerusalem before and during the tribulation will not accept the Messianic congregations anywhere near their tribulation temple, Acts 11:19. Next John reveals all that he observed concerning the glorified Christ and His activities among His churches. Each candle represented one of the seven churches. Then, depending on the needs of each church, parts of the Lord's characteristics are revealed to them. This illustrates the intimate involvement with the churches then, as well as with all of the churches, congregations, and individual believers today. What John observed was the Lord who appeared with:

  • A robe reaching down to His feet
  • A golden sash around His chest
  • Head and hair that were white like wool and white as snow
  • Eyes that were like blazing fire
  • Feet like bronze glowing in the furnace
  • A voice like the sound of rushing waters
  • His right hand holding seven stars
  • A doubled edged sword that came from His mouth
  • A face like the sun shining in all its brightness

The following table lists these characteristics with likely meanings, and related scriptural references.

Characteristic Meaning Scriptural Reference
Robe reaching down to His feet Majesty and priestly office Isaiah 6:1, Exodus 28:4, 31-32, Hebrews 7:14-17
A golden sash around His chest Righteous and Faithful Isaiah 11:5
Head and hair white like wool and white as snow Pure, Ancient of Days, and judgment Isaiah 1:18, Daniel 7:9, Revelation 20:11-12
Eyes were like blazing fire Penetrating judgment Hebrews 4:13
Feet like bronze glowing in the furnace Sin is judged and atonement made Exodus 29:36-46
Voice like the sound of rushing waters Power and judgment Jeremiah 25:30-31, Joel 3:16-17
Right hand held seven stars Honor, power, and comfort Genesis 48:13-14, Exodus 15:11-2, Psalms 139:7-10
A doubled edged sword came from His mouth Judgment of the heart and soul Hebrews 4:12, Isaiah 49:1-3
Face like the sun shining in all its brightness Glory, honor and majesty John 17:5, Matthew 17:1-8, 2Peter 1:16-18

In Revelation 1:17-18, John responds to this vision of the glorified Christ, and falls to the ground. It is a spontaneous response upon seeing the Lord, which is just the beginning of what is yet ahead in this great prophetic book. Other great men and women of God who witnessed similar visions, such as Daniel, Isaiah, Ezekiel, and Abraham, Mary Magdalene all reacted similarly. On two other occasions, John falls before an angel after many visions are given him, but he is rebuked immediately for it. However, the response is correct in this case because it is before the Lord, who then placed His right hand on John to comfort and strengthen him. The Lord again affirmed His eternal nature to John. The Lord told John that He is the "I AM," the First and Last, Exodus 3:13-15. He also shows that He holds the keys of Death and Hades, indicating that He has the authority over them. Death and Hades will be the last two entities thrown into the lake of fire, which will occur after the great throne judgment, Revelation 20:14.

Hades or Sheol

Hades and Sheol are the same word, the former being in Greek and the latter in Hebrew. Both words describe the same place. Since the fall of man through Adam, until the resurrection of Jesus Christ, all who died were sent to Hades, the righteous to the good side of Hades, and the unrighteous to the bad side of Hades. The Lord described the state and condition of Hades in His response to the scoffing of the Pharisees toward Him and His teaching. The Lord used this occasion to describe the plight of the rich man and Lazarus after their deaths, Luke 16:19-31. The point of this discourse was not to describe Hades, but to warn the Pharisees against their love for money, and justification before man rather than God. Nevertheless, there are many interesting details in this discourse to draw upon in understanding this place. Both the righteous and the unrighteous occupied Hades, but they were separated into two areas by a great chasm. The righteous were well provided for; it was paradise, Luke 23:41. The term paradise was used to describe both the area the righteous occupied in Hades prior to Christ's resurrection, and the third heaven as Paul describes in 2Corinthians 12:4. Unlike the church today that have the promise of being with Christ in heaven when absent from the body, 2Corthinians 5:8, the Old Testament saints looked downward to be in paradise after their death. This state of the Old Testament saints persisted until the resurrection of Jesus, Matthew 27:52-53. The unrighteous suffered in the side of Hades that they occupied. Many examples are found in scripture of Old Testament saints understanding of Sheol, such as the discourse between Job with his friends wishing he had died at birth and in the ground, Job 3:11-19. In death, Sheol would be his home, Job 17:12-16. Job then spoke of his resurrection, Job 19:25-27. David wrote in the Psalms prophetically about a future resurrection, Psalms 16:9-11, and of the anguish of going to Sheol, Psalms 116:3-4. King Hezekiah pleaded for lengthening his life, Isaiah 38:17-19, and Jonah from inside the whale, Jonah 2:2, just to name a few instances that are recorded in scripture.

The Lord Jesus Christ is the firstborn from the dead, as seen in Revelation 1:5, Matthew 27:50-53. Upon His resurrection, Paradise (the side that was occupied by the righteous) was emptied of the Old Testament saints. Upon His death on the cross, the Lord Jesus Christ first descended to Paradise with the thief on the other cross, and then ascended to be with the Father taking all the righteous with Him, Ephesians 4:7-10. Throughout the Church Age and during the tribulation period, all who die in Christ will be present with the Lord. Paul had written to the Corinthians that to be absent in the body is to be present in the Lord, 2Corinthians 5:1-9. So then everyone who believes on the name of Jesus Christ and calls upon His name and who die in this life, will be in the presence of the Lord who sits on the right hand of the Father, Acts 7:54-56.

The two resurrections

Scriptures show that there are two resurrections; the first for the righteous to everlasting life, and the second for the unrighteous unto eternal damnation, John 5:24-30. The first resurrection has three parts:

  • The resurrection of the dead in Christ, and the rapture of those in Christ who are still alive when He calls His church unto Himself in the clouds, 1Corinthians 15:51-58, 1Thessalonians 4:13-18
  • The Old Testament saints, Daniel 12:1-3
  • The tribulation saints upon their deaths during the seven years of tribulation, Revelation 6:9-11, Revelation 7:9-17, Revelation 20:4-6

Paul was the apostle to whom the Lord had revealed many mysteries, Ephesians 3:3-9, concerning the church such as the resurrection of the believers in Christ and the rapture of those still alive. Just as the Lord left this earth in the clouds, the disciples were told that He would return in like manner, Acts 1:9-11. This was directed to the Church Age. For Christ will appear in the clouds to call up his church to be resurrected unto Him, and to be with Him forever more, 1Corinthians 15:51-58, 1Thessalonians 4:13-18.

In the book of Daniel, the Lord revealed to him that there would be a time of great trouble, that the world would have never known until then. This is when Michael will stand up for the children of Israel, and they will be delivered to the end of the tribulation. At the conclusion of the tribulation, and after the Lord's return, the Old Testament Saints will be in resurrected bodies and claim the promises that God had made to them as a people and nation concerning the land and the kingdom of David. Those whose names are written in the book (of life) will be resurrected, whereas those whose name is not written in the book will be reserved for judgment at the second resurrection, Daniel 12:1-3

There are many who believe that the tribulation saints will not be resurrected until the end of the seven years of tribulation, when the Lord returns. However, there is an argument to be made that the tribulation saints will be resurrected upon their martyrdom, as their numbers will continually increase through the tribulation, and they are seen before the throne of God in their robes of righteousness. They are also assured to always be before the throne of God, Revelation 6:9-11, Revelation 7:9-17, Revelation 20:4-6.

The second resurrection is for the unrighteous. They are the ones who occupy the unrighteous portion of Hades. After the millennium, they will be awaiting the second resurrection, after which they will appear before God on the Great White Throne of Judgment, Revelation 20:10-15. These will consist of everyone since Adam until the end of Satan's final rebellion, who did not believe nor accept the gift of God. Their names do not appear within the book of life, and they will ultimately be thrown into the lake of fire. This is a place that was never prepared for mankind, but was prepared for Satan and the fallen angels, Matthew 25:41-46. God never intended for man to be judged like this, since he provided to mankind salvation from sin through His Son, Jesus Christ, John 3:14-21. At the conclusion of the judgment before the great white throne, Hades and Death will also be thrown into the lake of fire, since there will be no more sin in God's creation, and therefore no need for these in eternity future, Revelation 20:14. Also, since death is destroyed in the lake of fire, there is no death, or hope of annihilation for those in the lake of fire. They will suffer eternal separation from God, and suffer eternal punishment, Mark 9:43-48, Revelation 20:10.

In Revelation 1:19, John's commission to write to the seven churches is reconfirmed. All that the Lord says in His word is important. But, when He repeats something, as in this case writing to the churches, it places great importance on John to carefully, and completely capture all that is done and spoken:

  • He is to write what he has seen
    • John was one of many witnesses to the first advent of Christ, His transfiguration, the power of the Holy Spirit upon the Jewish church on Pentecost, its maturation, and now he sees the glory of Christ
      • This is the glory that Jesus asked the Father to be restored to Him, John 17:5, when He prayed in a place called Gethsemane, the night He was betrayed, Mark 14:32
      • The Body-of-Christ will see the glory of Christ from heaven, which Jesus also prayed that night. He asked that those in Christ would be able to behold His glory, John 17:24
  • John is to write the things that are
    • He is to write in the book all the things he observes and hears concerning the seven churches, and deliver it to them. But God will reveal the heavenly things “that are,” Revelation 4, to John
  • He is to write all the things that shall be hereafter
    • This includes all the events depicted in this book from Revelation chapters 5-22. This is all God’s realm, which will be revealed to John to observe, and write in the book

In Revelation 1:20, John is given the interpretation of what he has observed so far concerning the mystery of the seven stars and seven lampstands. He is told that the stars are the angels over each of the churches. This is very similar to the record in Daniel where angels were associated with kingdoms, Daniel 10:1-21, Daniel 11:1, and Daniel 12:1. Angels have always had interactions with Israel, such as with Lot to get him out of Sodom before the judgment, Genesis 19:15-17, and when King Hezekiah prayed for help from God against the Assyrians, 2Kings 19:34-35. In addition, Michael the Archangel, is the one who stands for the nation of Israel, Daniel 12:1. John is also told that the lamp stands are the seven churches to whom this book is being written.