TSCOC: resources
The following is a list of materials and sources used as references in the development of this site. On the whole they provide sound Biblical interpretations and insights on select passages in scripture. All of the material in this website is based on the basic fundamental Christian doctrines of the Trinity, the virgin birth of Jesus, the gospel as taught by Paul in 1Corinthians 15:1-4, faith alone in the work of Christ and nothing else as the basis of our salvation, and many other foundational statements of faith. Though there may be some variations in the interpretations and timing of certain prophetic events in scripture presented in this website with the writers listed in this reference page, the underlying Christian doctrines are not in debate.
It is important to note that all verses quoted in this site are from the King James Version (KJV) unless otherwise noted. Though there may be some challenges to the modern reader in understanding the meaning of a passage due to the construction of sentences using old English, the KJV is in the public domain. That status alone makes the KJV the most usable translation for this website due to the number references cited in this entire website's pages without concern of restrictions other translations have. The reader is encouraged to compare other translations they may have to the KJV citations in this website to gain a better understanding of the passages being studied.
The reader is reminded that they should carefully weigh all of the information in light of God's word and in prayer to arrive at the best interpretation. Despite the few differences that occur between authors, the overwhelming areas of agreement is noteworthy. The presentation of this website is from the perspective of the pre-tribulation rapture of the church, the seven years of Tribulation, the return of the Lord with all His saints at Armageddon, the 1,000 year reign of Christ, the final rebellion of Satan and the unrighteous after the millennium, followed by eternity future where the righteous are with God for eternity future, the unrighteous in the lake of fire for eternity future. The following are sources of information which are very useful for further study in understanding prophetic passages in the Scripture, and were helpful in developing this site.
- Most of the art in the Revelation section and labeled with Pat Marvenko's copyright, is provided by permission from Pat Marvenko Smith, copyright 1992. This series titled "Revelation Illustrated," is used by her permission. Her work is available in fine art prints and visual teaching materials. Call 1-800-327-7330 or 724-864-1118 for a free brochure, or go to www.revelationillustrated.com
- Most of the art in the Daniel section is provided by permission from Ted Larson, copyright 1998-2000. They are from his series titled "Daniel,"; "Exodus,"; and "Ezekiel,"; have been used by his permission. His work is also available at https://digitalartbytedlarson.net/ for his extensive artwork on other books of the Bible in addition to Daniel
Video resource
- A newly released resource is by Dr. David Jeremiah. The site is titled "This Could Be The Day." It is an outstanding site that is arranged by end time topics. Within each topic is a library of his past videos and radio broadcasts that discuss that topic
Other References
- An Old Testament Study-Ezekiel, Be Reverent, Bowing Before Our Awesome God, Warren W. Wiersbe, 2005, Cook Communications Ministries
- Before the Wrath (DVD), Brent Miller Jr., 2020, Ingenuity Films LLC
- Bible Prophesy, Mark Hitchcock, 1999, Tyndale house Publishers
- Blue Letter Bible, online, https://www.blueletterbible.org/
- “Christ in Prophecy” study guide, written by Dr. David R. Reagan, Lamb & Lion Ministries, 2006
- Chronological Aspects of the Life of Christ, Harold W. Hoehner, 1977, Zondervan Corporation
- Daniel, The John Walvoord Prophecy Commentaries, 2012, Moody Publishers
- Every Prophecy of the Bible, John f. Walvoord, 1999, Chariot Victor Publishing
- Gaebelein's Concise Commentary of the whole Bible, Arno C. Gaebelein, July 1985, Published by Loizeux Brothers, Inc.
- History of the Christian Church, Philip Schaff, 1882-1910, third printing July 2006, Hendrickson Publishers, Inc.
- Holman Bible Atlas, 1998 Thomas Brisco, Broadman Holman Publishers
- LXX2012: Septuagint in American English, 2012. https://ebible.org/pdf/eng-lxx2012/eng-lxx2012_all.pdf
- Messiah's Coming Temple, Ezekiel's Prophetic Vision of the Future Temple, John W. Schmitt and J.Carl Laney, 1997, Kregel Publications
- Numbers in Scripture, Its Supernatural Design and Supernatural Significance, E.W. Bullinger, 1967, Kregel Publications, www.kregel.com
- Psalm 83, The Missing Prophecy Revealed, 2013, Bill Salus, Prophecy Depot Ministries. prophecydepot.com
- Revelation Unveiled, Tim La Haye, 1999, Zondervan Publishing House
- The Bible Exposition commentary, Warren W. Wiersbe, Second edition 2008, Published by David C Cook
- The Bible Knowledge Commentary, New Testament, John F. Walvoord and Roy B. Zuck, 1985, Published by David C Cook
- The Bible Knowledge Commentary, Old Testament, John F. Walvoord and Roy B. Zuck, 1985, Published by David C Cook
- The Coming Prince, Sir Robert Anderson, 1957 tenth edition, Kregel Classics, www.kregel.com
- The Handwriting on the Wall, David Jeremiah with C.C. Carlson, 1992, W Publishing Group
- The Harbinger II, The Return, page 144, Jonathan Cahn, 2020, Frontline. https://charismahouse.com/
- The PRE-TRIB RAPTURE: Key to the End of the World, James B. De Young, 2023, Xulon Press, https://www.xulonpress.com/
- The Oracle Uncensored! (DVD), Jonathan Cahn, 2019, https://www.hopeoftheworld.org/
- The World Almanac and Book of Facts 2001, WRC Media Company
- Thru the Bible with J. Vernon McGee, J. Vernon McGee, Series based on the Through the Bible with J. Vernon McGee.http://www.ttb.org
- Through The Bible in Seven Hours, A Strategic Grasp of the Bible, Richard Jordan, third printing, December 2014, Grace Impact Ministries
- Understanding Revelation, Gary G.Cohen, 1992, Wipf and Carlson Publishers
- The Innocents Abroad, or, the New Pilgrims Progress, Mark Twain, 2003, Random House
There are many links within the worldwide web with sound Bible teaching, and provide valuable resources in the study of the Word of God. The links listed below are those that provide such services either through text, audio, video, or provide additional links to other excellent sites. None of the sites listed below have been asked for their endorsement of this site, nor is their endorsement implied. Rather, these are provided as an additional resource for the study of the Word of God.
- Allen Parr Ministries, Allen Parr
- Amazing Bible
- Andy Woods Ministries (Dr. Andy Woods)
- Behold Israel (Amir Tsarfati)
- Bible Gateway
- Bible.org
- Dr. George Wood
- From His Heart Ministries (Dr. Jeff Schreve)
- Grace to you (John MacArthur)
- Hal Lindsey Media Ministries
- Harvest Online (Greg Laurie)
- Hope for Today (David Hocking)
- In Touch Ministries (Charles Stanley)
- Insight for Living (Chuck Swindoll)
- Institute for Creation Research
- Jewish Voice (Jonathan Bernis)
- Lamb & Lion Ministries (Tim Moore and Nathan Jones)
- Leading the Way (Dr. michael youssef)
- Moody Bible Institute
- Pathway to Victory (Dr. Robert Jeffress)
- Precept Ministries International (Kay Arthur)
- Prophecy Watchers (Gary Stearman)
- Revelations Illustrated
- The King is Coming (Dr. Ed Hindson)
- The Millennial Temple
- Through the Bible Radio (Dr. J. Vernon McGee)
- Through the Bible with Les Feldick
- Turning Point (Dr. David Jeremiah)
- Zola Levitt Ministries, The Jewish Roots of Christianity