Revelation: Revelation timeline introduction


Revelation, the last book in the Bible, is in this position because it shows how all the prophecies, promises and covenants written in the previous 65 books are fulfilled. This book by God the Father, was delivered to His Son, to show to His servants things that must shortly come to pass; Jesus Christ then signified it by His angel to His servant John, Revelation 1:1.

As John was instructed by Christ Jesus, he wrote the things that he had seen, which are, and which shall be hereafter. These things were addressed to the seven churches, which are found in Asia Minor, Revelation 1:4. It is important to understand to whom this book is addressed, who penned this book, and which of God's two plans this book falls under, either His prophetic plan for Israel, or the mystery program for the Body of Christ. The answer is, the book of Revelation falls under the prophetic plan for Israel, since it is prophetic book, Acts 3:21 (second half of the verse), it is a sign to Jews, 1Corinthians 1:22, and Revelation 1:1 (signified it by His angel), and it is written by one of apostles to the circumcision, Galatians 2:6-9.

The book of Revelation was written primarily for the believers in Israel, and not directly to the Body-of-Christ directly for the following reasons:

  • John was the apostle, a pillar, to the circumcision, Galatians 2:8-9
  • This is a prophetic book, Revelation 1:3, Revelation 22:7, 10, 18-19
  • The book is steeped in Israel’s history that the Body-of-Christ does not share in

Nevertheless, as with many of the other prophetic books in the Old Testament, there are descriptions of the New Testament church (first started by the little flock, then faded away as God began His work with the Body of Christ, Romans 11:11-12) during the tribulation in the throne room of God. The following graphic depicts the New Testament church from the resurrection of Christ Jesus until the time of the snatching away of the church. Afterwards, the Jewish churches emerge almost immediately, and continue through the tribulation.

Some believers in Christ Jesus will survive the tribulation to see the literal, physical, visible, earthly return of Christ Jesus. The book of Revelation is for the preparation of Israel to go through the tribulation. This does not include the New Testament church, who would have been snatched up (raptured) to be in the throne room of God before the tribulation on earth, and they will return with Christ at His second coming, 1Thessalonians 3:13, Revelation 19:11-14.

The book of Revelation can be divided into:

  • Revelation 1 - The introduction to the book of Revelation
  • Revelation 2-5 - Instructions and events for the young tribulation churches
  • Revelation 6-19 - The tribulation
  • Revelation 20 - The millennial reign of Jesus Christ
  • Revelation 21-22 - Eternity future and the conclusion to this book

It is best to have a working knowledge of the entire Bible in order to gain a fuller understanding of the book of Revelation and receive the richest blessings from the study of this book. These web pages provide a convenient means to view relevant passages from scripture and aid the reader's understanding of them.

Revelation 1:3, blessed is he that reads, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein; for the time is at hand.