Daniel: Chapter 7


In Daniel 4, God abased King Nebuchadnezzar because of his pride. Until the time came when the king came to the realization that it is God who rules in the kingdom of men and that it is God who gives it to whomever He wills, that he was allowed to return to his senses and receive his kingdom again, Daniel 4:34-35. Similarly, we see the will of God exercised in the kingdoms of men as future kingdoms are realized, and their ultimate roles during the end times as seen in the dream of King Nebuchadnezzar in Daniel 2:1-49. This will be evident in Daniel 7 and the remaining chapters in this book.

At the top of the webpage on Daniel chapter 2, is a discussion on the chiastic symmetry of Daniel chapters 2-7. The graphic below provides a view of the symmetry in Daniel with the focus on Daniel 7. It illustrates the introduction of a fifth kingdom, the millennial reign of Christ, after the previous four Gentile kingdoms are permanently destroyed.

There are three important points to be reminded of in Daniel 7. First, the language of this passage is written in Aramaic, the language of the Gentiles, as discussed in the earlier page on Daniel chapter 1. The focus of this passage remains on the Gentile nations and their influence over the nation of Israel and Jerusalem until the end of the rule of the Gentiles as interpreted by Daniel to King Nebuchadnezzar, Daniel 2:44.

Second, this is the beginning of the prophetic passages in the Book of Daniel which he received from God, but he did not interpret them. The interpretation was divinely provided to him. A more comprehensive discussion was presented earlier in this website as well in Daniel chapter 1. This first prophetic passage given to Daniel from the Lord, Deuteronomy 29:29, concerns the end of Gentile rule and influence over Israel, Jerusalem and the temple. This section explains the condition of the world at the conclusion of the seven years of tribulation, after the battle of Armageddon, then the Lord Jesus Christ will rule the world from within Israel.

Third, this is not the first prophetic passage in the book of Daniel, since the first was given in Daniel 2. However, from this point forward, the visions are given to Daniel alone. Also, the first six chapters of Daniel were based on describing the historical events as they happened. From chapters seven through the end of the book, any historical reference is to tie the event of the vision, dream, or visitation by either an angel or the angel of the Lord, to a place and/or time in Daniel's life when he received the revelation. The following table shows the rulers over Babylon during the captivity of Israel, the years of each king's reign, and the approximate time frame of each chapter in Daniel.

Historical and Chronological View of Daniel
Part of Image Dates B.C. King Reference in Daniel
Babylonians (head of gold) 605-562 Nebuchadnezzar Daniel's exile (Daniel 1), Multi-metallic image (Daniel 2), Faith tested in fire (Daniel 3), Pride (Daniel 4)
562-560 Amel-Marduk (Evil-Merodach)
560-556 Neriglissar
556 Labashi-Marduk
556-539 Nabonidus, Belshazzar (co-regent) Daniel's vision of the four beasts (Daniel 7), Daniel's vision of the ram and goat (Daniel 8), Handwriting on the wall (Daniel 5)
Medes and Persians (arms of silver) 539-... Cyrus, Darius Daniel and the lions' den (Daniel 6), Daniel and the 70 weeks (Daniel 9), Daniel's visions (Daniel 10, 11, 12)

The dreams in Daniel 7 through the end of the book, were reported long after the death of King Nebuchadnezzar and began during the reign of Belshazzar. This chapter can be subdivided into four parts: the introduction, the dreams concerning the beasts representing the Gentile rule, the scene in heaven and the second coming of Christ, and finally the interpretations.

Further Background

In Daniel 7, specific dates are not given, but the relative sequence of one event to the next is inferred. In the absence of specific dates, many scholars and teachers of the scriptures associate each beast in Daniel 7 to one of the metals, or kingdoms, described in King Nebuchadnezzar’s first dream in Daniel 2.

This presentation will center on another proposition to interpret these beasts, which is a minority view. It will be shown that these beasts are indicative of the times near the end of the Gentile rule and influence over Israel and Jerusalem, prior to the beginning of, and through the seven years of tribulation. The tribulation will be preceded by very tumultuous times, with an increasing number of troubling events, with increasing intensity. During the Olivet Discourse, Jesus made mention of this prelude to the tribulation in Matthew 24:1-8.

The sum of these precursor events will not compare to what is in store for those left behind after the rapture of the church as they endure the seven years of tribulation. One of the characters during the tribulation period on earth is the Antichrist. The fourth beast in this chapter of Daniel help to ascribe attributes to the Antichrist’s government, and his character and behavior. The first three beasts in the vision given to Daniel eventually become confederates with the Antichrist during his rule in the last half of the tribulation period. It is noteworthy that in Daniel 2:1-49, there were still parts of the interpretation that were not given. Specifically, the identification of the kingdoms for the silver, bronze, and iron parts of the image. Only the gold and the mountain were identified, and therefore serve as end points for the times of the Gentiles. King Nebuchadnezzar’s kingdom was the beginning of the Gentile rule over Israel and Jerusalem, and the mountain made from the stone that crushed the image to chaff of the summer threshing floors, Daniel 2:34-35, is the endpoint of their rule and influence over Israel and Jerusalem. What distinguishes these four kingdoms in King Nebuchadnezzar's dream from other kingdoms that have existed throughout history in other parts of the world, is that the kingdoms represented in the dream have either ruled or had significant influence over Israel and Jerusalem. This characterizes the Gentile era, which will continue until the establishment of the millennial reign of Christ.

Given the historical events after the fall of Babylon, it is not difficult to assign the successive kingdoms following Babylon to the other metals of the image. Only the fulfillment of the feet of clay has yet to be accomplished, which may possibly occur in the near future. It is generally agreed that the silver was associated with the Medes and Persians, the bronze associated with Alexander the Great, the iron associated with the Roman Empire, the extension of the feet of mixed iron when the Roman empire divided into the western and eastern parts, and then clay with ten toes, the rebuilt Roman Empire, which is future. Likewise, the identification of the first three beasts in Daniel 7:1-28 is not explicitly identified. Though many do associate the beasts of this chapter with the metals in King Nebuchadnezzar’s image, this presentation will present a differing view.

A description of the environment when these events unfold

This website describes the times associated with what was revealed to Daniel, and what was affecting Daniel when he received the dreams and visions. One key to understand prophetic passages in the Bible is found in Daniel 7:2-3. The sea is generally representative of the accumulation of the world’s kingdoms and peoples as seen in Isaiah 57:20-21, Revelation 17:1-2, and Revelation 17:15. The wind and resultant agitation of the sea is also described in Revelation 7:1-3. All of this occurred after the Lamb, the Lord Jesus Christ, opened the sixth seal. He is the one person who sits in judgment over the nations, John 5:22. The angels were commanded to hold the four winds from blowing on the sea until the servants of God were sealed to be preserved from the impending judgments of God during the tribulation. After the sealing of the 144,000 saints, Revelation 7:5-8, the trumpet judgments will begin, followed by the bowl judgments. It is at the midway point of the seven years of tribulation, and lasting through the last 3½ years of the tribulation, that full satanic power and authority is endowed upon the Antichrist, and power is given to the false prophet, Revelation 13:1-2. This can be seen graphically in the section of the site that discusses the Antichrist in Revelation chapter 13.

After the four angels release the four winds, the world will experience great calamity and agitation, from the Antichrist. He will appear from among the mass of mankind represented by the sea. The Antichrist, who is represented by the first of two beasts, Revelation 13:1-2, will assume power that no one had ever possessed in world history. This beast in the book of Revelation has parts of its body represented by the beasts described in Daniel 7:1-28, but in reverse order. At the end of the seven years of tribulation, during the battle of Armageddon, the beast (Antichrist) and the false prophet will be taken alive and thrown into the lake of fire for eternity, Revelation 19:19-21, and all who followed them will be killed, sent to hades, to later appear before the great white throne judgment, Revelation 20:11-15. This situation is discussed in this website on Revelation chapter 20.

The Antichrist and false prophet are the first two beings in God’s creation to occupy this place of perpetual torment, the lake of fire, Revelation 19:20, 20:10. Following the battle of Armageddon, Christ himself will return to the earth and establish his world kingdom for a millennium centered in Israel, with His capital in Jerusalem. He is represented by the stone cut out without hands that struck the image at its feet, crushing the image to dust, Daniel 2:44-45, and discussed in this site in Daniel chapter 2. The stone then becomes a great mountain that fills the whole earth. There is a tremendous correlation between the books of Daniel and Revelation, with Daniel serving as the basis to understand the book of Revelation. The following table provides a summary of the correlation between Daniel 7:1-28 and several passages in the book of Revelation.

Order # Event Verses in Daniel Verses in Revelation
1 The great sea Daniel 7:2 Revelation 7:1-4, Revelation 13:1, Revelation 17:1, 15
2 Introduction of the four beasts Daniel 7:3-7 Revelation 13:1-2
3 Introduction of the little horn Daniel 7:8 Revelation 13:3-10
4 The throne of God and His court Daniel 7:9-10 Revelation 4:1-11, Revelation 5:1-15, Revelation 20:11
5 Destruction of the little horn Daniel 7:11-12 Revelation 19:20
6 The return of the Lord Jesus Christ Daniel 7:13-14 Revelation 19:11-16
7 Recap and interpretation Daniel 7:15-18
8 Details on the little horn and the fourth beast Daniel 7:19-25 Revelation 13:1-18
9 The court of God and the reign of Christ Daniel 7:26-27 Revelation 4:1-11, Revelation 5:1-15, Revelation 20:11-15
10 Dominion lost by Adam over the world, is returned to the saints Daniel 7:27 Revelation 20:4
11 The effect of the dream on the recipient Daniel 7:28 Revelation 19:10


Verses Topic
1-3 Daniel's dreams and visions
4 The lion
5 The bear
6 The leopard
7 A terrible and exceedingly strong beast
8 The little horn
9-12 The judgment of the beast, Antichrist
13-14 The Lord given dominion, glory and an eternal kingdom over all peoples
15-27 The interpretation of the vision
28 Daniel's response

Daniel 7:1 provides the time that Daniel received his first dream and vision, beyond what the Lord revealed to interpret King Nebuchadnezzar's dream, Daniel 2:1-49. That is when God revealed the general framework of His plan for the nations, and the ultimate establishment of His kingdom. At that time, the dream was repeated, but the one Daniel reveals in this chapter is unique, and given only to him. This dream occurred in the first year of King Belshazzar's reign, and before the events described in Daniel 5:1-31 when the king observed the handwriting on the wall. Daniel records all that he saw, which is common with his other dreams and visions, and angelic visitations in latter chapters in this book. In the remainder of the book of Daniel, the Lord reveals more specific details of the last Gentile kingdom, represented by the feet of clay and iron, and how it will be destroyed by the Lord. All the previous Gentile kingdoms will be permanently replaced by the Lord’s millennial kingdom.

The chiastic structure of Daniel shown at the beginning of this webpage, illustrates the multi-metallic image with the dream Daniel had. In Revelation 7:1-4, angels held back the four winds (the nations). In Revelation 13:1, John saw a beast rise out of the sea, which is described in opposite order as presented in Daniel 7:4-8. In Daniel 7:2-3, Daniel observes the four winds, or the east, west, north and south winds blowing over the sea, causing great calamity and chaotic conditions. The sea is generally representative of the accumulation of the world’s kingdoms and peoples as seen in:

  • Isaiah 17:12-13 Many nations as a raging sea
  • Isaiah 57:20-21 The wicked are like the tossing sea
  • Isaiah 60:5 The nation’s riches to be sent by sea to Israel during Christ’s millennial reign
  • Ezekiel 26:3 Many nations like the waves will come against Tyre in judgment
  • Matthew 13:47 A net cast into the sea gathering every kind
  • Revelation 7:1-4 The four angels hold back the winds to prevent any wind from blowing on the land or sea
  • Revelation 13:1 The dragon stood on the seashore
  • Revelation 17:1 and Revelation 17:15 The great prostitute sits on many waters (peoples, multitudes, nations, and languages) and is judged

Winds represent God’s sovereignty over the rebellion of the nations against His will and purpose, Exodus 10:13, 14:31, 15:10. Daniel saw chaos in the water, from which emerged four great beasts out of the sea, each one being significantly different than the other. Daniel begins by providing a description of the beasts, and other details of his vision, then proceeds to provide the interpretation that he was given.

The four winds churning the great sea represents the era of the Gentile age, where:

  • The monarchy of Judah ended with the beginning of the Gentile age
    • The world has never known any prolonged peace under Gentile rule
    • What was offered by Satan to tempt Jesus, was actually delivered by God the Father to God the Son
  • When Christ Jesus returns to this world, He will rule with an iron scepter
    • His return brings a precipitous end of the Gentile era
    • Peace will only be realized when the Lord Jesus Christ returns to establish His eternal rule over the world, centered in Israel, sitting on the throne of David
  • The events in Daniel 7, reveal the days of the tribulation that leads directly to the beginning of the Lord’s millennial reign over the world

The four beasts

In the discussion on Daniel chapter 2 in this website, the following graphic was used to illustrate the parts of the image that was part of King Nebuchadnezzar's dream. The stone that was cut out from the mountain without hands crashed into the image at its feet. It destroyed the image into a powder, and it all blew away like chaff, and in its place the stone became an immense mountain.

In Daniel 7:3, four beasts were introduced, the lion, bear, leopard, and the indescribable beast. The four beasts represent four kingdoms, as explained by the being whom Daniel inquired for the interpretation of the dream, Daniel 7:17, Daniel 7:23. However, little is written about the first three beasts. More attention is drawn to the fourth beast and all its characteristics, which represent its horrible impact on mankind during the tribulation. The following is a summary of the four beasts as they relate to the traditional view of associating each beast with one of the metals in the multi-metallic image in Daniel 2:1-49. This will be followed by an alternative view to interpret the meaning of the beasts.

In Daniel 7:4, this lion was no ordinary lion, but exhibited manifestations of other animal parts. However, these parts were not as prominent as the main body that gave Daniel the sense that he was looking at a lion plus something else. In addition to the main part of the lion, the other parts included eagle's wings. In time the wings were plucked, and the resultant beast was lifted up to stand like a man, with a heart of a man. The traditional view interpreting this composite animal is to associate this beast with the gold head, the kingdom of Babylon. Based on the interpretation that was given concerning the dream, it was already known that King Nebuchadnezzar was the head of gold, Daniel 2:36-38. What is not given, but assumed by most commentators, is that the lion is also representative of the Babylonian empire. This was the top of the image in the king's dream.

In Daniel 7:5, the second beast had the appearance of a bear, but it was raised up on one side, had three ribs in its teeth. The bear was told to go and devour much flesh. Since the Medes and Persians were the ones to defeat the Babylonians, they are represented by the arms of silver since they were the second in sequence in the metallic image in King Nebuchadnezzar's dream. Again, in the traditional view of interpreting this bear-like beast, the majority thought is to associate this beast with the Medes and Persian empire. Just as in the metallic image, where the silver arms were second, the bear is also introduced after the lion. Another aspect in interpreting the image of the bear is to account for the three ribs. Each rib is associated with the victories in the past history of the Medes and Persians, since they conquered Lydia, Egypt, and Babylon. They were then encouraged to eat much flesh, or further expand their borders.

In Daniel 7:6, the third beast introduced appeared like a leopard, which had on its back four wings like a bird. It had four heads and dominion was given to it. Up to now, there has been no identification as to the succeeding nation to the Persian empire. Of course, in human history, it is known that the successor was Alexander the Great. Also, following his tragic end as a young adult, and having no heirs to inherit the empire, the kingdom was divided among his four generals. This is all revealed in Daniel 8:1-27, with details provided in Daniel 11:3-35. Therefore, in the traditional view to interpret this beast, a leopard, the majority thought is to associate this beast with the Grecian empire. The four wings are normally thought of as the division of the empire into four parts among the surviving generals of Alexander the Great.

  • A terrible and exceedingly strong beast (traditional view)
  • Outline
  • Top

In Daniel 7:7, a fourth beast unlike the previous three, came into view. This was seen by Daniel as the worst of all the beasts, described as:

  • Dreadful, terrifying, frightening, very powerful, with iron teeth
  • Devoured and broke its victims in pieces, stamped the residue with its feet
  • Different than the other three beasts
  • Had ten horns (In contrast, horns relating to the Lord 1Samuel 2:10, Psalms 132:17)

This fourth beast possessed great strength and iron teeth. Its veracity was evident by observing how it devoured, broke in pieces, and stamped the residue of its victims with its feet. Daniel remarked how different this beast was from the other beasts, and of special note were its ten horns and the little horn, Revelation 13:2, 13:7. The horns are of particular interest, and are discussed further below. The national identity of this beast is not given in Daniel, for at this time the Roman empire did not exist. It was in its early formative stages. However, there are inferences to beast being Rome in Daniel 9:26-27. This is where Daniel was told by Gabriel, the people of the prince will come and destroy the city (Jerusalem) and the sanctuary (Herod's temple), Luke 21:20-24.:

Some believe that the Antichrist will come from that same people, and he will confirm the seven-year covenant with Israel, only to break it after 3 ½ years. As commonly known in most of the world, the nation that destroyed Israel and its temple in 70 A.D., and later forced the worldwide dispersion of the Jews out of their land was Rome. Further, at the end of the Grecian Empire, King Antiochus Epiphanes was frustrated in his last conquest against Egypt by ships from Cyprus. These were Roman ships that transported Roman troops between the two armies, and prevented Antiochus Epiphanes from any further aggression against Egypt. They forced him to return to his own kingdom. This resulted in a devastating period of great persecution of the Jews in and around Jerusalem by Antiochus Epiphanes, Daniel 11:30-31.

A traditional view in the interpretation of the beasts

The most prominent view held by a vast majority of pre-millennialists who interpret the Bible literally, associate each beast to a one of the metallic segments in King Nebuchadnezzar’s image he dreamt in Daniel 2. The following is an update of the table on the multi-metallic image above. This graphic shows how all this information will fit following the common view for interpreting these passages concerning the beasts in this chapter. The metallic parts of the image, with the nation that fulfills that specific metal, or amalgam of iron and clay, and the beasts that most traditional commentators associate with a nation are all presented in the graphic below.

An alternative view in the interpretation of the beasts

One of the issues about this chapter is that it was still written in the language of the Gentiles, as discussed in Daniel chapter 1. The insinuation made in this site is that the beasts in this chapter are not necessarily a restatement of Daniel 2:1-49. There are many who hold to the traditional view that was described above. In this viewpoint, Daniel 7 provides a distinction between man's perspective in examining the Gentile rule from the days of Babylon until Armageddon, with all the glitter of the metals in King Nebuchadnezzar's dream of the multi-metallic image, against what the Lord sees, which are kingdoms demonstrating beastly characteristics and destruction. There is no argument being made in this website to take away from the traditional viewpoint, for there are sound reasons for holding to this view.

However, since this is the last chapter written in the Gentile language, and the sense of the judgment of God is present over all these beasts, there may be an argument to also consider that these beasts represent conditions prior to and during the tribulation. It would begin with those who have had rulership or significant influence over the affairs of Israel and Jerusalem ever since it became an independent country in recent history. In the minority view, held too by pre-millennialists who interpret the Bible literally, each beast represents an existing or future kingdom during the beginning, end, and some time beyond the tribulation, for a season. Associated with the influence over Jerusalem, Luke 21:24, their rule will be suddenly stripped, and rulership will be returned to a monarchy rule of the tribe of Judah, with Jesus Christ sitting on the throne of David over the world. The following statements are provided for consideration in support of this alternate view, Daniel 12:9.

  1. In King Nebuchadnezzar’s dream, Daniel 2:31-35, each part of the image had a discrete beginning and end. The first three beasts possess none of these characteristics in Daniel 7:4-6
  2. When the interpretation of the beasts is given in Daniel 7:1-28, no direct association between them and the metallic image, Daniel 2, is given as in latter chapters that use other animals to characterize nations, i.e., the ram and the goat in Daniel 8
  3. The description of the four winds blowing over the sea is similarly described in Revelation 7 and Revelation 13, broadening the scope of countries beyond the Mediterranean Sea
  4. As the beast emerges from the sea in Revelation 13, parts of each animal described in this chapter of Daniel 7:1-18, makeup part of the body of the beast in Revelation, but in reverse order
  5. The first three beasts are never equated to the ten kingdoms that will exist in the tribulation period, but the ten kings are shown as horns on the fourth beast
  6. The Antichrist, represented by the little horn on the fourth beast, is in complete control over the world’s activities during the last half of this period and the ten kings
  7. Some of the beasts in Daniel may be associated with some of the governments known today, and others yet to be formed, but all of them will all enter the seven years of tribulation as confederates with the Antichrist
  8. It appears that these beasts exist concurrently unlike the image, where the kingdoms are seen to exist linearly, one after the other
  9. In Daniel 7:1-17, all four beasts come out of the sea after a tumultuous wind blows over it
  10. In Daniel 7:11-12, only the diverse beast with the little horn is destroyed and put into the burning flame, while the other beasts are allowed to prolong their existence for a season and a time
  11. The continuation of the other countries is not consistent with the metallic image, and the events recorded in Daniel 2:1-49 where there is a definitive transition from one metal, or kingdom to another kingdom
  12. The beast described in the book of Revelation 13:1-18 and other chapters in Revelation, is actually a person and a king, not a kingdom as interpreted in Daniel 7:1-28, who either rules or influences these other kingdoms
  13. The beast described in Revelation is a composite of the four beasts described by Daniel: the leopard’s body, the feet of the bear, and the mouth of a lion, and ten horns, which may indicate a confederation between the Antichrist with the other three great nations in the world at that time
  14. In Revelation 13:5, this beast that is revealed to the Apostle John is given a mouth to speak great things and blasphemy against God, whereas in Daniel 7:1-28, it is the little horn on the indescribable beast who has these attributes
  15. In the interpretation of King Nebuchadnezzar’s dream, Daniel 2:38, he was the head of gold, not his kingdom or his descendants
  16. The first beast, the lion with wings in Daniel 7:4, cannot be attributed to King Nebuchadnezzar since the vision Daniel is describing in this chapter occurred years after King Nebuchadnezzar’s death
  17. With respect to the lion standing as a man with a man’s heart, it is not shown to be a regenerated heart following the ways of the Lord as King Nebuchadnezzar had in Daniel 4, but is a man's heart, as described in Jeremiah 17:9
  18. The interpretation provided to Daniel did not associate these events with what was dreamt by King Nebuchadnezzar, as Daniel was quite aware of the king’s dream, and God had given Daniel both the dream and the interpretation
  19. Even Daniel did not hint at any association between the beasts and the metals of the image, since he was troubled by what he had seen, and finally had to ask one near him for the interpretation, Daniel 7:15-16

The following tables are provided only for consideration in addressing how these four beasts could be explained and ultimately fulfilled by countries in existence today, or may soon form in the near future. They provide possible scenarios how the first three beasts can coexist and support the fourth beast in modern times, as in Revelation 13:2. The first three beasts do not share in ruling the world with the fourth beast, but they rule over their own domains, but they are subservient to the fourth beast. However, the first three beasts may have an oblique relationship with the multi-metallic image dreamt by King Nebuchadnezzar. Their order of appearance in Daniel 7 are the same, but in reverse order in Revelation 13:2. Only the number of metals in Nebuchadnezzar’s dream and the number of beasts are the same, which does not prove a strong equivalence between the two. The main focus of Daniel 7 is the end time, not the repetition of the long Gentile reign over Israel, Jerusalem and the temple mount. It is necessary to focus on the relationship of Daniel 7 with Revelation 13 rather than Daniel 2.

Beast Possible Representative Nation Possible interpretations
Lion The United Kingdom, United States, and other allied countries The United Kingdom is represented by a lion and in the recent past, they had dominion over Israel as they were becoming a nation. Daniel’s beast also possesses eagle’s wings and can be represented by the United States, which is presently the world’s only super power and has some influence over Israel ’s policies and defense. Both the United Kingdom and United States have had a history of being very close in many of the world’s conflicts, and fighting side-by-side. The lion loses its physical strength due to the removal of its wings, and reverts to statesmanship to achieve its desires. The man’s heart depicted in Daniel's vision is not a regenerated heart such as that received by a new Christian, but a man’s heart that is desperately wicked as described by Jeremiah.
Bear Russia and its confederates The three ribs may indicate the three times Russia will yet invade Israel as written in Ezekiel 38 and Ezekiel 39, then during the battle of Armageddon, and finally, at the last battle at the end of the millennial rule of Christ. A bear has never been associated with the Mede-Persian empire.
Leopard A future confederation of four Muslim countries that are given dominion over a part of the land of Israel; something it did not have before The reason for suggesting the Muslim states is that it is the general geographic range of Islamic influence surrounds the nation of Israel, and is a future event. The four heads may suggest different concurrent kings, presidents, or leaders. The wings may suggest this federation’s capacity to rapidly mobilize its forces in any direction to the north, south, east, and west of Israel. The wings themselves are not given any indication of strength as the eagles, but of bird's wings for motion.
Indescribable beast The revived Roman empire It will initially consist of ten kingdoms at the beginning of the seven years of tribulation. However, in the latter half, the Antichrist who is represented by the little horn that overcomes three of the original ten horns, will be given great power and authority by Satan to rule over the world, and overthrow three of the ten kingdoms.

In Daniel 7:8, as Daniel gazed upon the horns, he saw another come up from among them. It was a little horn, but it plucked out three of the horns by their roots, from the ten original horns on the beast. In addition, this little horn had eyes like a man, and a mouth speaking great things. The little horn is the Antichrist as described in Revelation 13:1-18, and depicted in this website on Revelation chapter 6, Revelation chapter 13, Revelation chapter 16, Revelation chapter 17, Revelation chapter 18, and Revelation chapter 19.

The Apostle John had written about other antichrists, and who they are. In John's writings, he refers to the existence of many antichrists in the present age, and provides their characteristics. However, they are distinguished from THE Antichrist depicted here in Daniel 7:8 and elsewhere in Daniel, as well as in the writings of the Apostle Paul, 2Thessalonians 2. The general characteristics of the other antichrists John wrote about, he shows that:

  • 1John 2:18 - this being the last hour is indicated by the many antichrists who exist
  • 1John 2:22 - an antichrist is a liar, denies that Jesus is Christ, and denies the Father and the Son
  • 1John 2:23 - who ever denies the Son, does not have the Father
  • 1John 4:3 - every spirit that does not acknowledge Jesus, is the Antichrist, and is already among us now
  • 2John 1:7 - antichrists are deceivers and deny that Christ has come in the flesh

The Apostle Paul wrote about THE Antichrist; that he will be revealed at the beginning of the seven years of tribulation. The Apostle John wrote the book of Revelation, and when the Antichrist would be revealed, Revelation 6:1-2. THE Antichrist is unique from all that proceeded him in that he is the final one to appear in human history, will have endowed upon him all Satanic power, Revelation 13:1-4, and will be the first person to inhabit the Lake of Fire, Revelation 19:19-20.

The following are what Paul wrote concerning THE Antichrist:

  • 2Thessalonians 2:3 - the man of lawlessness, the deceiver, the day of rebellion will not come until THE Antichrist is revealed
  • 2Thessalonians 2:4 - he will oppose and exalt himself over everything that is God’s, and set himself up in God’s temple and proclaim himself as God
  • 2Thessalonians 2:6-7 - the secret power of lawlessness is already at work in the world today, but it is the Holy Spirit in the world today that is holding him back and will continue to do so until the proper time (God’s time)
  • 2Thessalonians 2:8 - the Antichrist will be revealed, and then be overthrown by the Lord’s breath, and destroyed by the Lord’s splendor at Armageddon

THE Antichrist is the little horn in Daniel 7:8 and on through the end of the chapter, and in Revelation 13. The following table provides a summary of the little horn's characteristics.

Order # Characteristics of the little horn Verses in Daniel Verses in Revelation
1 It is an eleventh kingdom, or at least has the same authority as a state leader as the other ten kingdoms Daniel 7:8 Revelation 13:1
2 It uproots three of the ten horns on the beast Daniel 7:8 Revelation 17:12, 16-17, Revelation 13:1
3 It had a more imposing appearance then the other horns Daniel 7:8 Revelation 13:4
4 It had eyes and a mouth Daniel 7:8 Revelation 13:5
5 It spoke boastfully Daniel 7:8, 11 Revelation 13:5
6 It waged war against the saints Daniel 7:21 Revelation 13:7
7 It is defeating the saints for a time Daniel 7:21 Revelation 13:7
8 The “Ancient of Days” proclaims judgment against the little horn Daniel 7:11, 22 Revelation 15:8
9 The judgment against the little horn is in favor of the saints of the Most High Daniel 7:22 Revelation 19:11-16
  • The judgment of the beast, Antichrist
  • Outline
  • Top

In Daniel 7:9-12, there is a major shift in the chapter. Instead of looking upon the events on earth, Daniel is now given a glimpse of heaven, the very throne room of God. Daniel sees other thrones as well, and the Ancient of days, God the Father, seated with His robe was white as snow. His head was like pure wool, his throne was like the fiery flame, and his wheels as burning fire, descriptions that are similar to what John wrote in Revelation 1:1-20. Daniel also observed steam coming from all of this fire, rising before the Father. Surrounding the Father was a tremendous host who ministered unto him, as depicted in Revelation 4:1-11 and Revelation 5:1-14. It is arguable that those about the throne of God includes the raptured Church. See more on the subject on this site in the discussion on the throne of God.

in Daniel 7:9-10, Daniel recorded that:

  • The Ancient of Days took His seat that was set in place
  • His clothing was white as snow
  • His hair was white as wool
  • The throne was flaming with fire and wheels ablaze
  • A river of fire was flowing coming out from before Him
  • An immense multitude attended Him
  • A court was seated
  • The books were opened

There were even more that stood before the Father, and the judgment was set, and the books were opened. Judgment was upon the fourth beast and the little horn. Because of the words from the horn, the beast was slain, and its body, including the remaining seven horns and the little horn were slain, and thrown into the burning fire. There was also judgment upon the other three beasts; they had their dominion taken away, but they were allowed to remain alive for a while longer.

No reason is given for the extended time that these other three beasts, or governments were allowed to continue. However, there are two conditions to consider, which may yield some reasons for this. First, this event of the execution of the judgment occurs at the end of the tribulation, after the Lord returns with all His saints, Revelation 19:11-16, and captures the Antichrist and false prophet and throws them alive into the lake of fire, Revelation 19:20-21. By this time, the resultant impact of the accumulation of all the judgments and destruction resulting in death, and the war against the saints, Revelation 12:17, will be the devastation of the world's population, as discussed in this site on the compressed view of the judgments.

After the Lord's return, Israel will immediately occupy their land and the Lord will reign from His millennial temple, Ezekiel 44:4. This will be unlike the situation God promised Israel before their exodus from Egypt to occupy the promised land. The Lord told Moses how He would deliver the land to the Israelites. His fear would overcome the people in the land as Israel began to occupy it. The Lord would also send hornets ahead of Israel to chase their enemies out. He said that Israel would not occupy the entire land promised to them in one year, because their numbers were too few. As such, the animals of the land could over power them. Therefore, they would slowly occupy the land as their population grew, Exodus 23:27-30. Unfortunately, because of Israel's sin, God directed them back into the wilderness for 40 years until the next generation grew up into adulthood, Numbers 14, Hebrews 11:6.

At the beginning of the millennial reign of the Lord Jesus Christ, He will have judged all of the living in this world who survived the seven years of tribulation. He will divide them into two groups; on His right (the sheep) will be those who followed in His ways. The remainder will be on His left, the goats, who did not mind the things of the Lord in caring for others during that terrible time, Matthew 25:31-46, which is part of the Olivet Discourse. The latter will go into everlasting punishment. During the millennial reign of Jesus Christ, there will be longevity of life as it was before the worldwide flood in Noah's day, but for the wicked, their days are less than 100, Isaiah 65:18-20.

In Daniel 7:11-12, Daniel observed the boastful horn before the throne (the judgment of the beast then its execution and destruction). The beast was killed, which is the false prophet and the Antichrist, and he was thrown into the lake of fire, Revelation 19:20 - the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him, with which he deceived them who had received the mark of the beast, and those who worshipped his image. Both will be cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone. The other beasts, the lion, bear, and leopard, were stripped of their authority, but allowed to live for a short time, Daniel 7:12.

In Daniel 7:15-16, Daniel was troubled in spirit due to the visions that passed through his mind. Daniel did not comprehend the meaning of the dream, so he approached one standing near him for an answer to the dream

  • The Lord given dominion, glory, and an eternal kingdom over all peoples
  • Outline
  • Top

The scene before Daniel shifts again in Daniel 7:13-14. Here Daniel sees one like the Son of Man, coming with the clouds of heaven before God the Father. The host present before the throne brought God the Son before the Father. At that time, were many things given to God the Son by the Father:

  • Dominion
  • Glory
  • A kingdom
  • That all people, nations, and languages should serve Him
  • His dominion is everlasting
  • His dominion shall not pass away and shall not be destroyed, Psalms 2:7-9, 2Samuel 7:13, 2Samuel 7:16

There are two aspects to the Lord's kingdom. The first is spiritual where the Lord abides within us, John 3:1-8, and the second is His millennial reign, Matthew 16:27, Matthew 25:34, Matthew 26:29. This is the Lord Jesus Christ as the Apostle John wrote in Revelation 1:13-16, in describing the glorified Lord. He saw the Lord dressed in:

  • A robe to His feet
  • A golden sash about His chest

and He had:

  • A head and hair white as wool
  • Eyes like blazing fire
  • Feet like bronze flowing in a furnace

In Daniel 7:15-16, Daniel reveals his own reaction to such a awesome witness, but because he did not understand, it caused him great grief. As a result, he went to one of those present before the throne to ask what all of this meant, and this being began to reveal the matter to Daniel.

Daniel rehearses the dream to the being nearby

In Daniel 7:17-18, the interpreter explains that the beasts are all the same, representing governments and the leaders that arise from among the people. They will not assume power through war and overcoming another government. Many through history have associated these beasts with the four metallic segments in King Nebuchadnezzar's dream in Daniel 2, the lion with the gold head, the bear with the arms of silver, the leopard with the sides of brass, and the indescribable beast with the legs of iron. As discussed in this site, there is an alternative view that would relate the first three beasts with the modern countries who have had influence over Israel and Jerusalem, whether good or bad, and the fourth beast would be the reconstituted Roman empire. See further discussion on this in this site on the timelines for Daniel chapter 7.

Though they will be established, their destruction will be sudden and complete. Thereafter, the saints of the Lord will take these kingdoms and possess them forever. The term "forever" is repeated with emphasis the second time, in order to show the permanence of this kingdom. This is what was stated concerning the Lord when He was given dominion over the entire world that will not pass away nor be destroyed, Daniel 7:14. Just like the Father bestowed the kingdom upon His Son, likewise the Lord gives the dominion unto His saints. The difference is that only the Lord fights the battle against His enemies, as seen in Revelation 19:15-16, Isaiah 63:1-6, and upon His victory, hands over the kingdom to His saints.

In Daniel 7:19-20, Daniel turns his attention to the fourth beast, and proceeds to rehearse to the being all that he had seen. Daniel remarks that the fourth beast:

  • Was diverse from the other beasts
  • Was exceeding dreadful
  • Had iron teeth
  • Had nails of brass
  • Devoured its residue
  • Broke in pieces the residue
  • Stamped the residue with his feet

Daniel also commented on the ten horns on the head of the beast, and the emergence of the little horn. Afterward, three of the horns fell before the little horn. The little horn had eyes, a mouth that spoke very great things, and its appearance stouter than the others. Finally, Daniel adds to what was reported earlier, that the same horn made war with the saints, and prevailed against them, Daniel 7:21-22. Then God the Father came, pronounced judgment, and then the saints of the Lord were given favor in the judgment, and the time had come to receive the kingdom. These saints whom the Antichrist prevailed over in the last half of the seven years of tribulation, are the tribulation saints. The Lord stated that this time would be the worst that the world would have ever known. One could survey the world's history in search of the most horrific and vicious time in mankind's activity, and all of it would be eclipsed by this period of time, Matthew 24:21-22.

A comparison between Daniel 7:1-28 and Revelation

All of the preceding in Daniel 7:21-22, encapsulated the entire second half of the tribulation, where:

  • Satan warred against the host of heaven, and was kicked out of the heavens permanently, Revelation 12:7-12
  • Satan later warred against the saints, Revelation 12:17
  • Satan then called the Antichrist from the great sea, and endowed the Antichrist with his power, Revelation 13:1-4
  • The Antichrist then spoke great blasphemies against the Lord and His hosts in heaven, Revelation 13:5
  • The Antichrist warred upon the Lord's saints and overcame them, over all peoples and nations, for 42 months, Revelation 13:5-7
  • As the Lord opens the first of seven seals, he reveals the judgment against the beast, the horns, and the little horn in Revelation 6:1-2
  • Opening the remaining seals revealed the consequences upon the world for following the Antichrist, Revelation 6:3-17
  • The judgment against the beast and its horns is fully executed at the end of the seven years of tribulation, during the battle of Armageddon, Revelation 19:19-21
  • Satan was also thrown into the bottomless pit for 1,000 years, Revelation 20:1-3
  • Finally, the Lord establishes His millennial kingdom and commences His reign, with His saints who reign with Him, Revelation 20:4-5

The list above demonstrates the perfect harmony between the books of Daniel and Revelation. As the remaining chapters in Daniel are examined, and contrasted and compared with Revelation, this point will be demonstrated repeatedly.

The interpretation of the dream by the being

In Daniel 7:23, the being interprets for Daniel the meaning of all that he saw and had written down. First, the fourth beast is to be the fourth kingdom, which will emerge in modern times since Israel has become a nation. This fourth kingdom will have significant rule and influence over the land of Israel and Jerusalem. The first government to have this influence and rule over Jerusalem and Israel in modern times was the UK and the United States, the second is Russia and its impact on Israel through political, economic, and military activities against her, third is the loose confederation of Arab states that surround Israel geographically, (not necessarily sharing borders with Israel), and have sought Israel's destruction. The fourth beast has not yet appeared, but it will be the revived Roman empire as seen in King Nebuchadnezzar's dream, Daniel 2:40-43. This fourth kingdom will be quite different from the previous ones, in that it will devour the whole earth, and utterly destroy it. As the Lord stated in the Olivet Discourse, if those days had not been shortened, no flesh would survive the seven years under this Satanic onslaught of evil and destruction, Matthew 24:21-22. This does not imply that the seven years of tribulation will be lessened, but that though we deserve more, the period of judgment had already been minimized to seven years.

Second, the being described the horns and the sequence of events that will occur concerning their rule, Daniel 7:24. Ten horns, or kings will arise from this government, or the beast. Later, though no time frame is given, a little horn will emerge from this same form of government, the revived Roman empire. This little horn is the Antichrist, and he will be different from the other ten, and eventually destroy three of the kings and assume rulership over their kingdoms.

In Daniel 7:25, the being continues with describing the little horn, or Antichrist. This little horn will blaspheme God, and war on the saints, as was seen in Daniel 7:21. The timeframe is to be 3½ years (time = 1yr, times=2yrs, and half a time = 1/2 yr), Revelation 13:5. The Antichrist will know no bounds in his boldness, covetousness, and self-seeking glory in all that he does. He will even attempt to change what God had established; to change the time and the laws. Recall in Daniel 2:19-23, in Daniel's great praise unto the Lord for revealing to him King Nebuchadnezzar's dream. Daniel stated that the Lord changes the time and seasons; he removes kings and raises up kings. Also, just before the Lord's ascension to be with the Father, after the Lord's resurrection, he responded to the disciples' question if he would then restore the kingdom of Israel. To that, the Lord responded that it was not for them to know the times or seasons which the Father has put in place in His own authority, Acts 1:6-7. The purposeful and completely inept actions of the Antichrist is a direct assault against the Father's will by attempting to subvert the word of God.

In summary:

The interpretation Verses in Revelation Who this represents
The fourth beast will be different from any other kingdom and devour the earth Revelation 13:1-2, 8 The beast
The 10 horns/kings will come from this kingdom Revelation 17:15-18 The harlot
The revealing of the antichrist Revelation 6:1-2 White horse
The little horn will speak against the Most High Revelation 13:5-6 Blasphemy
The saints will be handed to him for 3 ½ years Revelation 13:7 Saints of God
The fourth beast will be different from any other kingdom and devour the earth Revelation 13:1-2, 8 The beast
The 10 horns/kings will come from this kingdom Revelation 17:15-18 The harlot
The 11th horn will subdue three of the kings After Revelation 17:17 The subordination of the 10 kings

In Daniel 7:26-27, the being tells Daniel that judgment will sit, and be against the beast and its horns, and all its dominion will be taken away, the beast and its horns will be consumed and destroyed. Finally, with the establishment of the Lord's millennial kingdom, His saints will be given the kingdoms of the world. The Lord's reign will be an everlasting kingdom, and all dominions on earth will serve and obey the Lord.

In Daniel 7:28, Daniel reports that this whole episode impacted him emotionally and physically. The issues that he still could not resolve were bothering him greatly, but he did not share them with anyone.