Daniel: Chapter 6


At the top of the webpage on Daniel chapter 2, is a discussion on the chiastic symmetry of Daniel chapters 2-7. The graphic below provides a view of the symmetry in Daniel with the focus on Daniel 6.

Daniel 6 is one of the most well-known chapters in the Bible by Christians and non-Christians alike. Though the fellow captives of Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, are no longer named in this book after Daniel 3:1-30, there is a strong correlation between their testing and what Daniel is going through in this chapter, as illustrated in the above graphic. All four men had demonstrated faith in the Lord God of Israel, that was immovable, even at the risk of certain physical death. All four remained faithful in every trial thrown at them. In this chapter Daniel is put to the test to maintain his integrity and faith in God, similar to his three friends who were thrown in to the fiery furnace. In both cases, they were actually put into the place intended for their demise in a terrible way, but in both cases the Lord intervened to protect and deliver them.

Stepping back from this most familiar passage in scripture, one can observe a common thread with the previous chapter with this chapter in Daniel, which is pride. It is apparent that pride has been the downfall for each of the three kings discussed so far, Nebuchadnezzar, Belshazzar, and Darius, Proverbs 3:33-35, Proverbs 16:17-18, Proverbs 28:13. Application of all three proverbs is evident in this chapter of Daniel. Aside from Daniel, all of the men who constituted the upper governing circle of King Darius were wicked men, who sought the destruction of Daniel through subtlety by manipulating the king through his vanity or pride.

Daniel and his three companions maintained their integrity and faith in God from the beginning of their captivity. There was no indication of any fault or diminished faith in God by any of them, Daniel 1:8-9. An important aspect to consider while examining this chapter, is the role of the Christian or tribulation saint when faced with similar circumstances. The Lord placed Daniel in a high position within the new kingdom of the Medes and Persians. He was able to look after the welfare of the tribes of Jacob and show the light of God to the Gentiles, acting as a shadow of Christ and His mission, Isaiah 49:6.

Within all strata of governments, from local to national, there has been a slow and progressive headway toward building a legal framework to address social agendas, which are contrary to moral principles in scripture. Initial reviews of these bills and laws seem benign, but when refined definitions are used to make judicial decisions, those latter decisions and findings provide the teeth behind the intent by the framers of the legislation. Types of legal definitions could include, for example, what qualifies as hate speech, and therefore, what can and cannot be said in a public forum, such as the internet. Direct teaching out of the Bible and its books such as Leviticus or Romans could, and has in some countries, come under fire. In time, many portions of scripture, or the Bible itself, may become illegal to cite, discuss, or teach in fear of offending someone’s sensitivities, Romans 9:30-33, 1Peter 2:6-8. In such instances, the response and strength of character need to be similar to Daniel’s, and follow after Paul’s doctrine, his manner of life, purpose, faith, longsuffering, love and patience, 2Timothy 3:10.

Christ is a stumbling block and an offense to those who are disobedient or who fail to respond positively to believe in Him and His word. Everyone born into this world has to choose either to accept Christ as their Savior and live or suffer eternal damnation. These are God’s laws, and not man made. Consider how to respond if or when government intrudes on the freedom of worship. Daniel serves as an excellent example of how to have a disciplined life dedicated to God, and how to respond as governmental pressures contrary to God’s word become law, persecution against believers in Christ Jesus become rampant, and evil is normalized in society, Isaiah 5:20.


Verses Topic
1-3 Darius establishes his bureaucracy
4-5 Bureaucrats seek to destroy Daniel
6-9 The ill-fated decree and the pride of Darius
10-12 The faithfulness of Daniel
13-16 The decree is faithfully followed
17-20 Daniel and the lions' den
21-23 King Darius overjoyed for Daniel
24 Daniel's false accusers destroyed
25-28 The decree to reverence the God of Daniel

In Daniel 6:1-3, King Darius is establishing a new governmental structure in Babylon, under the rule of the Medes and Persians. First, he assigned 120 satraps to rule throughout the kingdom. Above them were three administrators, one of whom was Daniel. This was a flat governmental structure than the Babylonian centralized government as seen in Daniel 3:2. As with all who came into contact with Daniel, King Darius recognized the favor of God about him, and sought to elevate Daniel in his court to a position over the whole kingdom. Daniel was again found to have an excellent spirit, which Darius sensed and therefore, he wanted to entrust Daniel with the taxes. This is exactly the same occurrence with Joseph, who likewise found favor with those whom he served due to the Lord's Spirit was in him, Genesis 39:3-4, Genesis 39:20-23, and Genesis 41:3-40.

In Daniel 6:4-5, the king's preference for Daniel was very evident by the other leaders, and they became jealous of Daniel, to the point of seeking his demise. They spent time studying him, looking for any occasion to blame him of some serious crime or any infraction, but they could not find anything to accuse him of. Daniel as Joseph in the days of Pharaoh, lived a life that was in keeping with the Lord's commandments, statutes and instructions. Daniel’s heart was perfect toward God and all His ways. He, along with Noah and Job, were used by God as an example of righteousness, in contrast to a sinful and rebellious Israel, Ezekiel 14:14.

All that was left to these evil men was to create a trap that they believed Daniel could not evade from. They conspired to create a new law that was contrary to the law of God, Daniel 6:5. They studied Daniel so much, they deceived themselves into believing they knew the law of God, yet they did not study those same laws, prophets, and psalms to understand God. They just ignored Him in favor of the ill gain they sought. This is similar to the experience of Balaam, who for gain devised a plan that would force the children of Israel to sin in the sight of God. He hoped that through this faulty reasoning, they would be destroyed by the Lord because of their sin, Revelation 2:14. The difference is that though some of the people in Israel did fall into sin, Numbers 25:1-3, Numbers 25:6-9, God had a man, Phinehas, who saw the sin occurring in Israel, and immediately killed those who brought the sin into the camp, ending God’s judgment, Numbers 25:7-13. In this chapter, Daniel never sinned against the Lord. Rather, he remained faithful to the Lord in every way.

  • The ill-fated decree and the pride of Darius
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In Daniel 6:6-9, with typical office intrigue, the two presidents and princes developed a plan to entrap Daniel. They contrived a plan to have the king sign a decree into law, which they made. It was a shrewd plan that exploited the pride of Darius. Two of the other presidents (except Daniel), and princes appeared before King Darius, with the normal formalities, to present their petition, Daniel 6:6. But they lied during their presentation to the king of the origin and broad agreement among the king’s government to have this decree signed and enacted, Daniel 6:7. They did not inform they king that Daniel had no part in the plan, nor was he even aware of its creation.

By making the document a decree, they subtly cornered the king to sign the document so that he could not repeal it, Daniel 6:8. The decree made King Darius the intercessor between man and God for 30 days. It was just like Satan’s seduction against Eve, Genesis 3:4-6. In this situation, the law of the Medes and Persians demanded that once the law was signed by the king, it could not be altered or repealed in any way. The king placed undo trust in the two presidents and advisors, and carelessly signed the decree out of pride. The king did not realize Daniel was not among those present before him, Daniel 6:9. In 1John 2:15-17, John wrote of this very thing, the lust of the eyes, lust of the flesh, pride of life.

Daniel maintained his integrity toward God, and even as he faced a certain cruel and violent death; he continued his daily practice to worship God. His long history in the king’s court of living a life true to God and His ways, was the foundation of his witness of God to the Gentile courts. It was that witness of Daniel that helped in King Nebuchadnezzar’s journey in faith, and he already began to make an impression with Darius. Knowing the plot, and the decree the king signed into law, Daniel chose to conduct his prayer life as normal, and openly prayed three times a day, Daniel 6:10. Daniel’s action was out of common practice, not an exercise of civil disobedience or an act of bravado. There was no presumption by Daniel of God’s direct intervention to save him, though God did perform a miracle to spare Daniel, Hebrews 11:32-33, which was similar with what He did for Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, Daniel 3:16-18. In both instances, these men of faith faced certain death in a natural sense, yet they stood firm in their belief in God; they were willing to lay down their life for those things yet to come as promised by the Lord, Hebrews 11:13-16, Daniel 12:1-3. The God of Israel received great glory to His name as a result of the faith of these men in Him, and in the outcome at the beginning of the Gentile age. In both cases, the kings wrote decrees to their entire realm, honoring the God of Israel, confessing that there is no other god like Him.

Daniel’s accusers were right, Daniel made a practice of worshiping God, praying toward the direction of where the temple had been, and he never hid his faith in God, nor did he alter his practices of worship in the face of adversity. Daniel could not have known that such an event would occur in his lifetime. However, his discipline of daily worship and the number of times he prayed was well-known, which prepared him for the day of adversity, Psalm 55:16-18, 2Chronicles 6:36-39, Acts 5:27-29, and Philippians 4:4-7.

The conspirators counted on Daniel to maintain his integrity and righteous behavior in worshiping God. They knew where to position themselves to view Daniel violating the new law, Daniel 6:11. Once they assembled the witnesses who saw Daniel praying to God directly, the conspirators went to the king to report Daniel’s rejection of the new decree, Daniel 6:12. Though the king was deceitfully used by the other court members to destroy Daniel, King Darius immediately recognized his fault and sought a way to reverse this dilemma caused by his pride. He even invoked the name of God whom Daniel worshiped for deliverance of Daniel. The king never envisioned this decree would lead to such devastating consequences. Daniel’s enemies considered the matter and crafted the entire scheme to prevent the king from saving Daniel’s life.

What God instructed all Israel, concerning their prayers to Him:

  • Psalm 55:16-18, But I call to God, and the LORD saves me. Evening, morning and noon I cry out in distress, and he hears my voice
  • 2Chronicles 6:36-39, Pray toward the temple with a repentant heart
  • Acts 5:27-29, Obey God rather than man

Jesus Further said:

  • Mathew 6:5-8, Do not pray like the hypocrites
  • Luke 18:9-14, Parable of the Pharisee and the tax collector

To the Body-of-Christ, Paul wrote that we are to … Rejoice… let our moderation be known to all men … let your requests with thanksgiving be known to God, Philippians 4:4-7.

Daniel 6:13-16 shows that behind this entire episode is Satan. Though the intent of these evil men was self-serving, the impact was being suffered by all obedient Jews to the word of God. For they were never instructed, while in captivity, to seek a mediator to God, as this decree invoked, but were to pray toward the temple in soliciting God’s forgiveness and supplications, 1Kings 8:44-53. In a broad view, this attack was against the entire Israeli host in captivity.

This was also the case back in Daniel 3:1-30 when King Nebuchadnezzar constructed the golden image and charged all to worship it. Though only the upper crust of society was invited to the inauguration of the image, it was intended for the entire kingdom. But the faith of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego was publicly demonstrated, and God’s delivery of them was public and dramatic. This same plan has been used repeatedly, as in the days of the apostle Paul, 2Timothy 3:10-17. The hope for the saints of God is to know and rest on His word. It is extremely important to be prepared for these things, as warned about in the writings of the apostles and the words of the Lord. Jesus spoke of persecutions that will be faced by those who believe in Christ as their only Savior, 1Peter 4:1-5, 1Peter 4:12-19, and John 15:17-23.

In Daniel 6:13, the accusers denigrate Daniel in their accusation, saying that he prayed three times a day. At this point the king is devastated, and realized too late of his foolish decree and its consequences, which he never intended. Immediately he made every attempt to save Daniel, but he was pressed by the accusers to abide by the law. This was nothing more than legal accuracy versus righteousness, a scene that has been replayed throughout the millennia in every courtroom. The king was forced by these wicked men to throw Daniel into the lions' den, but Daniel remained steadfast in his faith in the Lord, 2Timothy 3:12-17, Ephesians 1:11-12.

Daniel 6:17 explains that after Daniel was placed in the lions' den, that a stone was placed over the den and sealed with the king’s ring, and the rings of the nobles to secure the site. A similar situation occurred with a sealed stone over the entrance to the tomb of Jesus Christ after His death on the cross, Matthew 27:62-66. Just as Daniel and his fellow Hebrews suffered at the hands of evil men, they remained faithful to the Lord, even unto death. The same is true for many Christians in the world today who suffer, 1Peter 1:6-8 and 1Peter 4:12-19, but the Christian's refuge is always in the Lord and His deliverance, Psalms 34.

Daniel lived in an idolatrous environment and had to deal with the court intrigue all about him. David wrote in his psalm that calling upon the Lord is necessary to preserve one from the battles faced by the saints, whether physical, spiritual, or both, Psalm 34:15-19. The discipline in worship by Daniel prepared him well for the persecution he was to suffer. As a result, there is no indication that Daniel claimed his innocence, nor spoke out against the wrong done to him by a bad law. Instead, King Darius is viewed agonizing the entire night over Daniel's peril in the lions’ den. The king was extremely unsettled by all this throughout the night, Daniel 6:18.

What faith the king had was expressed in his statement the first moment when he could go to the lions’ den to see if Daniel was still alive, Daniel 6:19-20. The king even attributes the possibility of Daniel surviving this dangerous situation as being something only the God of Israel could do. He identified no other god being able to do this miracle, only the Lord.

In Daniel 6:21-23, Daniel’s response to the king's plea acknowledges the Lord’s intervention. Daniel reminds the king that he did not do the king any wrong, and that his survival in this den of hungry and vicious lions, as seen in the following verse, was the Lord's endorsement of Daniel's innocence. At that very moment the king had Daniel lifted from the den and then examined for any wounds. This was the same response by King Nebuchadnezzar who examined Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego upon being taken out of the burning oven after so great of a deliverance. In this case, there were no physical wounds found upon Daniel. This very fact of no physical harm is attributed to the belief of Daniel in the Lord, Psalm 34:7-8.

In Daniel 6:24, to attest to the miracle of Daniel's deliverance, it is reported that the lions overpowered and killed all of the accusers and their families before they reached the floor of the den. The miracle confirmed that Daniel's enemies used lies and deceptively used the legal system to destroy him. The “false accusers” thus identified were condemned to face the same capital punishment they devised for Daniel. This action left the law unenforceable for the remaining days of the month. No one dared to bring any accusation against Daniel, which is certain that this extended to every believer who worshiped the Lord as Daniel did.

There are other examples in scripture of entire families being judged and killed over sin if there was no repentance. Such was the case with Achan, who took only a few things from the city of Jericho after God had commanded that there be no spoiling of any item from the city after God had judged it, and brought victory to children of Israel. Upon being discovered, and after his sin cost the lives of many at the first battle of Ai, he with all of his family, goods and livestock were destroyed. There was nothing left of him or his family because of this sin, Joshua 7:20-26. The same was true in the New Testament when Ananias and Sapphira conspired to lie to the Apostles and the Lord immediately took his life, then Sapphira's for testing the Spirit of the Lord, Acts 5:1-11.

When God first called Abraham out from his family in the land of Haran, the Lord promised Abraham that He would bless those who blessed them, and curse those who cursed them. Genesis 12:1-3. God’s word cannot be changed by any act of man, and this promise of God to Abraham has been demonstrated time and time again. Daniel’s conspirators suffered the fate they intended for Daniel. This pattern of hatred, disregard of God's word, and the Lord acting upon His word would be again demonstrated a few generations later in Persian history in dramatic fashion as seen in the book of Esther, Esther 7:3-10, 8:7-11.

  • King Darius’s reverence to the God of Daniel
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In Daniel 6:25-28, King Darius, as King Nebuchadnezzar before him in Daniel 4:1-37, gave the credit for the deliverance of Daniel to God, and made a kingdom-wide proclamation. To focus further on the importance of discipline in one’s relationship with Christ in their life, see 2Peter 1:2-10. Peter lists a number of Christian virtues, which provide the Christian the ability to be partakers of the divine nature. This list Peter writes of include:

  • faith
  • virtue
  • knowledge
  • self-control
  • perseverance
  • godliness
  • brotherly kindness, and
  • love

In writing to Timothy, Paul noted that he endured all things for the elect's sakes, so we may also obtain the salvation which is in Christ Jesus with eternal glory, 2Timothy 2:10. Paul went on to say that if we be dead with Him, we shall also live with Him, that if we suffer, we shall also reign with him, if we deny him, He also will deny us, if we believe not, yet He abides faithful, He cannot deny Himself, 2Timothy 2:11-13. Though Israel failed to live up to the Lord's plans for them to be a nation of priests to the Gentiles, Genesis 19:6, and failed, God still raised Jews, such as Daniel and Paul to minister to the Gentiles, where Paul is the apostle to the Gentiles, Romans 11:13. Through them and other individual Israelites and Jews, God spread His gospel to the Gentiles.

Daniel serves as a model for all believers on the behavior of a Christian whether in prosperity or in tremendous hardship and persecution. The entire first half of this book concentrated on God's sovereignty over man and governments as demonstrated through Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. There will now be a shift in the remaining six chapters of this fantastic book. Instead of an overview on the historical part of these men and the kingdoms that they were exiled to, the emphasis in this book shifts to the prophesies of future events that were revealed to Daniel.