Daniel: Chapter 12 Timeline
The following series of graphical timelines are intended to present a total view of all the prophesies that were revealed to Daniel in Daniel 12. There are two timelines that will be used to be built upon to finish the views for Daniel 12. The first is the occupation of Israel by the Antichrist, with more information available in the web page on this site on Daniel chapter 11. There is more information on this web site in the section detailing Revelation 11, and a discussion on this same topic on Daniel's two time periods. The graphic from that discussion is repeated below, showing the temporal extent of the Antichrist's occupation in Jerusalem, which covers all of the second half of the tribulation period.

The first reference in this chapter to time times and half a time, or 3 ½ year is found in Daniel 12:7. This is referencing the latter half of the seven years of tribulation, which is described at some length at Daniel chapter 12. The following timeline gives an illustration of the temporal extent of this period of time, which is the red horizontal line within the light-yellow box circumscribed with a blue border.

The next timeline illustrates the additional days that were told to Daniel, which he wrote down in Daniel 12:11-12. Further discussion on this topic is found on this site at Daniel chapter 12. There is no consensus on how to interpret these last verses in Daniel, so it is with reservation that this opinion and scenario are provided. Within the same light-yellow box is the second timeline, which originates just a few days before the point of origin on the red horizontal bar above it, which represents the last 3 ½ years of the seven years of tribulation. The lower red horizontal bar extends to the left of the bar above it, to represent the 30 days prior to the mid-tribulation point, and is the time when the sacrificing to the Lord in the tribulation temple is forced to stop. However, as noted in the graphic below, both time periods end at the same time, at the battle of Armageddon. It is when the voice from heaven shouts that it is done. As a result, all judgment based on God's wrath must be concluded. There should be nothing left to do, other than what is recorded in Matthew 25. Gabriel told Daniel near the middle of the verse Daniel 9:27, that in the middle of the covenant of one week, is when there will be an end to the sacrifice and offering. A precise time is not given as it is in Daniel 12:11, when the end of sacrifices will last 1,290 days. This is the reason for pushing the second horizontal bar to the left 30 days, since the last half of the tribulaiton can only last 1,260 days.

This final timeline for this series on the number of days, is based on Daniel 12:12. This verse introduces a third time period. Further discussion on this topic is also found on this site on Daniel 12. Again, there is no consensus on how to interpret these last verses in Daniel, so it is with reservation that this opinion and scenario are provided. Within the same light-yellow box in the above timeline, the bottom two horizontal red bars originate with the cessation of the tribulation temple worship to the Lord, 30 days before the mid-point of the tribulation. However, this last time period extends beyond the time period represented by the middle red bar below by 45 days, into the beginning of the millennial reign of Christ Jesus. The reason for this extended period beyond the battle of Armageddon, is three things. First, the judgment of the nations as depicted in Matthew 25:36-42. Second, is the cleanup of the world's environment, which was literally destroyed by Satan, the Antichrist and false prophet. Third, the believing survivors of the tribulation were looking forward to the glory of the Lord arriving in His holy temple, where in Daniel 12:12, it states that they will be blessed. Because of the total destruction of the world's infrastructure to support transportation around the globe, the Lord will send His angels to gather the surviving believers to witness the glory of the Lord entering into His temple, Matthew 12:24-30, 24:31. At that time, south of the temple will be a city that will be named, THE LORD IS THERE, or formally as Jerusalem, Ezekiel 48:35.

When the Lord's glory enters into His Millennial Temple, Ezekiel 43:6-9, He told Ezekiel that that is where His throne is, Ezekiel 43:7. He will live among the Israelites forever. His name will never again be defiled by Israel or their king, neither by their adulteries or idols. And the temple area will no longer be a burial area for the kings, or anyone else.
The final timeline is a summation of the prior timelines against the building backdrop of all the previous chapters in Daniel. This timeline provides a glance of all of the events recorded by Daniel and arranged against the basic timeline, showing each event's temporal relationship with other events within the book of Daniel.