1Thessalonians: Timelines Chapter 1-4
As with the other timelines discussed in 1Thessalonians and 2Thessalonians, the following timelines are based on the foundation of timelines that are described in this site on interpretation of scriptures using timelines, which the reader is referred to for further information. The timeline line below illustrates the basic structure of the last days (time since the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ), Hebrews 1:1-2, 2Timothy 3:1. Currently, the active time period we live in Today is in the church age. This age will continue until the snatching away (rapture) of the dead in Christ and the living believers, then there will be an unknown gap of time before the seven years of tribulation commences, Daniel 9:27. The Lord's return will end the tribulation, Revelation 19:11-21, and begin His millennial reign on earth, Revelation 20:4-6. At some time short interval of time after the first 1,000 year reign of Christ, eternity future will be ushered in, Revelation 20:7-10, Revelation 21:1-27.

The next timeline builds upon the chart above. Drawn at the top middle of the chart are two events that the church will experience immediately following the rapture. The first event is the judgment seat of Christ, 2Corinthians 5:10, where all of His followers will appear before Him to receive their rewards for the deeds done in the flesh for His kingdom. The second event is the marriage of the Lamb, Revelation 19:7-10. These two events are the day of Jesus Christ, 1Corinthians 1:7-9, and occur with the body of Christ. The body of Christ consists of the resurrected saints who died in the Lord, and those yet alive who were raptured upon the Lord's return in the clouds, see the page on the snatching away (rapture) on this site for more information. These heavenly events are contrasted with those on the earth during the seven years of tribulation, which constitute the day of the Lord. Both of these events are contrasted on this site on the page discussion 1Thessalonians chapter 5. The blue boxes represent the statements of Paul with regard to the Lord's return. Each box's representation correlates with the time period the statement portrayed. More information on these statements concerning the Lord's return can be found on this site on the 1Thessalonians chapter 4. The "day of Jesus Christ" is explained on the 2Thessalonians Timelines, which is illustrated on the left side of the screen.

The last graphic below illustrates the potential sequence of events that the church will experience, as revealed to Paul, and expressed in his first letter to the Thessalonians. The boxes are associated with a purple circle, a group of circles, or the red upward arrow, show a progression of events the church will enjoy in the presence of the Lord. The combination of these boxes and circles provide the view of what major events that the Lord has planned for the church, and the relative timeframe of when they will occur to other events. There is no definitive date that can be given, only the timeframe relative to the opening of the first seal when the Antichrist is revealed, and the signing of the seven year covenant between the government that the Antichrist represents with the nation of Israel. The following is the listing of the church experiences in the future, as illustrated above.
- The rapture of the church
- The mystery of the rapture 1Corinthians 15:51-58
- The shout of the Lord, and the trumpet of God 1Thessalonians 4:13-18, 1Thessalonians 5:4-11
- The church before the judgment seat of Christ, 2Corinthians 5:6-10
- Everyone's works shall be revealed before Christ, 1Corinthians 3:13-15
- Giving an account before God, Romans 14:7-12
- The marriage of the Lamb
- The Gentiles becoming the people of the Lord, Hosea 2:23
- The Gentiles heirs together with Israel as one body in the promise of Jesus Christ, Ephesians 3:4-6
- The church as the bride of Christ, 2Corinthians 11:2
- The mystery concerning Christ and the church, Ephesians 5:22-32
- The scene in heaven, Revelation 19:7-8
- The return of the King of kings and Lord of lords, Revelation 19:11-19
- The call to the marriage supper of the Lamb, Revelation 19:9-10
- The Lord’s return from the wedding, Luke 12:34-40
- Go rule with Christ for 1000 years, then to be with God for eternity Revelation 20:1-15, Revelation 21:1-27, Revelation 22:1-5